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1. best way to recover stolen cryptocurrency



    August 28, 2024 - 1:37 am

    realized that the secret to making a million is saving for a better investment. I always tell myself you don’t need that new Maserati or that vacation just yet. That mindset helped me make more money investing. For example last year I invested 30k in crypto and made about $246k, but guess what? I put it all back and traded again and now I am rounding up close to a million but it all became a nightmare when it was time for withdrawal I never thought they would turn their on me like this it was heartbreaking till I did a research where I saw an article talking about the smart contract audit experts with the american forensic firm thehackerspro I had doubts due to my past experience till they cleared my doubt. this is testamentary prowess to their esteemed triangulation from outsourced wallets

  • Antonella

    May 12, 2024 - 5:00 pm

    In recent times, technology has proven to be more sophisticated and just like any other currency that can be stolen or lost, crypto and other digital assets has proven to be more difficult to recover but not impossible, and just like searching for any other monetary currency, you need a trustworthy and honest agency or personnel who can track and recover the value lost or stolen, in my case I hired vladimir kolarov of the hacking and forensic firm thehackerspro.com after opening a detailed case with kravitz hein their 24/7 customer support, they followed the blockchain and was able to recover over 85% of my stolen funds within a couple of weeks. The fees for the services I received was fair and communication was excellent.

  • Lloris Lloris

    May 3, 2024 - 5:23 pm

    recover stolen cryptocurrency: A Miracle of my 21,000 bitcoin Recovery

    I never thought I would see my beloved bitcoins again after the devastating hard drive crash that wiped out my entire digital wallet. Over 21,000 bitcoins, gone in an instant. Years of investing and mining, vanished without a trace. I was devastated beyond words. Those precious coins represented my hopes and dreams – early retirement, financial freedom, and security for my family. After the crash, I frantically searched for data recovery experts, desperate to salvage my priceless crypto cache. One by one they came back empty-handed, unable to break through the corrupted drive’s encrypted barriers. My hopes faded as each recovery attempt failed. Then I found thehackerspro.com smart contract team on reddit, the first page on the internet. Their smart contract engineering worked magic, carefully reconstructing the damaged drive’s firmware layer by layer. Their patient, brilliant engineers never gave up, delicately unraveling the intricate encryption like master locksmiths. After weeks of round-the-clock work, vladimir and the whole thehackerspro team emerged triumphant. My jaw dropped as I saw the recovery totals: 21,543 bitcoins found! It was a miracle – my life’s work was restored in full. I wept with joy as I sent heartfelt thanks to those magicians. With my bitcoins back, my dreams are alive again. I owe everything to thehackerspro and their miraculous crypto treasure resurrection. My financial future is secured thanks to their smart contract audit. They are the heroes who brought my bitcoins back from the virtual grave. I am forever grateful. Get their smart contract on your side by emailing: hack@thehackerspro .com and contacts by Telegram : +1 971 915‑6664 .

  • Charles Holm

    March 22, 2024 - 6:34 pm

    The experienced team at American Forensic firm TheHackerspro successfully recovered my stolen Bitcoin. Their extensive knowledge of the Bitcoin industry and the latest hacking techniques enabled them to achieve this feat. Despite my concerns about cryptocurrency recovery scams, kolarov and the smart contract audit team proved to be trustworthy and transparent throughout the process. I’m grateful for their assistance in retrieving my Bitcoin. Their professionalism and effectiveness are commendable. I highly recommend anyone who has lost their cryptocurrency to utilize the american forensic firmas they have the best smart contract audit expertise in tracing and following the funds to the outsourced leveraged wallets. You can reach them at digitaltriangulation@thehackerspro.com

  • Laura Gunther

    March 19, 2024 - 1:21 am

    While no investment is entirely risk-free, there are several security measures you can take to minimize the risk of losing access to your BTC investment. Implementing strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and utilizing hardware wallets are all effective ways to enhance the security of your digital assets. Additionally, staying informed about the latest security threats and regularly updating your software can help protect your investment from potential vulnerabilities. claimpayback is a specialized asset recovery firm that offers professional assistance in recovering inaccessible cryptocurrency assets. Their team of experts leverages their deep knowledge of blockchain technology and recovery techniques to help individuals regain access to lost or locked accounts. Through an assessment of the situation and utilization of various recovery methods, Asset recovery team at claimpayback aims to provide successful outcomes in retrieving inaccessible BTC amounts. The journey of retrieving my inaccessible BTC investment was not just about the money. It was an emotional rollercoaster that shook my trust in digital investments. However, with each step towards recovery, I regained a sense of confidence and trust in the cryptocurrency world. It taught me the importance of staying resilient, even in the face of adversity, and proved that there are solutions out there to help us overcome our challenges. While this experience was a test of my resilience, it has not deterred me from future BTC investments. Staying informed about the latest security practices and updates is vital in this ever-changing digital landscape. Regularly updating my software, including antivirus programs and wallet applications, ensures that I am protected against the most recent threats. Additionally, staying informed about potential risks and scams helps me make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls. Instead, it has encouraged me to approach them with a more cautious and informed mindset. By implementing the lessons I’ve learned and embracing the best security practices, I feel confident in rebuilding my trust and making wise investment decisions. After all, the potential rewards of the cryptocurrency market are still worth exploring, as long as we remain vigilant and protect our digital assets. Keeping your cool and taking quick action is critical if you can’t access your Bitcoin investment. Make sure there are no errors by first verifying your login credentials twice. Get in touch with the customer service of the cryptocurrency platform you invested in if you are still unable to access it. It would help if you also thought about contacting expert recovery services like claimpayback which help people recover cryptocurrency holdings that was either lost to scam or that had the 12 word phrase harvested from phishing
    Telegram: +1 (646) 948‑8125 & Email: support@claimpayback.com

  • erasmoporathjsh26

    October 13, 2023 - 10:05 am

    A friend of mine referred me to your the american forensic firms site thehackerspro and said they may be able to help. I lost what little I had left of my savings to a phishing scam recently and am desperate to recover anything at all if possible.

    It was about $315,000 worth of Floki & ETH. I’m not sure if this is even worth it for you guys or how we’d go about it. But as a starving musician I really am not sure what I’m going to do now with no savings left so I am reaching out here in desperation.

    If this is something you guys work with let me know and I can provide all the details and what not of the event and we can go from there.

  • 1. USDT mining pool scam recovery - TheHackersPro

    July 16, 2023 - 7:33 pm

    […] Engage with Recovery Services: Recovery services specializing in assisting victims of cryptocurrency… These services employ experts in cryptocurrency investigations and have experience dealing with various types of scams, including mining pool scams. Choose a reputable recovery service based on thorough research and due diligence. […]

  • Melanie Kemerink

    June 26, 2023 - 10:57 am

    Anyone can fall into the wrong hands and lose their money. Most of the time what these brokers are offering is always too good to be rejected, but the only thing to do after losing your money is to find ways to get it back and that’s exactly what I did. It was very bumpy as I lost more money but I finally hit my goal and it was only possible because I decided to take a leap of faith and email support @ h4ckerspro.com. i have just detached the first part of over 100 btc i lost to investment scam back into my trust wallet courtesy of smart contract solidity miners at american forensic firm thehackerspro

  • Atomic Wallet hacked, Recover stolen crypto - TheHackersPro

    June 6, 2023 - 5:42 pm

    […] It is important to note that anyone who has been affected by the Atomic Wallet hack and is having di… The team specializes in investigating and recovering stolen crypto assets and can provide valuable assistance to affected users. It is important to act quickly and seek professional help to increase the chances of recovering the stolen funds. […]

  • 1.recover stolen cryptocurrency from Ethereum/USDT mining pool scams and other types of fraud - TheHackersPro

    April 18, 2023 - 9:38 pm

    […] One reputable cryptocurrency recovery service is TheHackersPro, which specializes in smart contract …. To open a detailed case with their email support team, you can reach out to support@thehackerspro.com. […]

  • colley woolley

    April 10, 2023 - 8:12 am

    “Proh4ckz@protonmail.com is the real deal. Their forensic team was able to recover my stolen BTC using smart contract audit to trace and follow the funds to the outsourced wallets. They were always professional, communicative, and knowledgeable, and I felt confident in their abilities from start to finish. Thanks to them, I was able to recover my lost coins and put the whole ordeal behind me. I would recommend Proh4ckz to anyone looking for smart contract audit services.

  • Dakota Mondalmi

    March 15, 2023 - 7:33 pm

    “I can’t thank the team at thehackerspro enough for their amazing work in recovering my stolen BTC. Their expertise in smart contract audit was truly impressive, and they were able to trace and follow the funds to the outsourced wallets where my coins were being held. They kept me updated every step of the way, and their dedication and professionalism were outstanding. Thanks to them, I was able to recover my lost coins and move on with my life.”

  • Brayden Whitehead

    March 15, 2023 - 7:14 pm

    i opened a case with Proh4ckz@protonmail.com and thehackerspro saved my life. After my BTC was stolen, I was devastated and didn’t know where to turn. But their forensic team used smart contract audit to trace and follow the funds to the outsourced wallets where my coins were being held. They were thorough, professional, and always available to answer my questions. Thanks to their hard work and dedication, I was able to recover my stolen coins and start rebuilding. I can’t thank them enough for their help.”

  • Vicente L. Roussel

    March 15, 2023 - 7:02 pm

    “I can’t thank the team at Proh4ckz enough for their amazing work in recovering my stolen BTC. Their expertise in smart contract audit was truly impressive, and they were able to trace and follow the funds to the outsourced wallets where my coins were being held. They kept me updated every step of the way, and their dedication and professionalism were outstanding. Thanks to them, I was able to recover my lost coins and move on with my life.”

  • Sandra M. Sheehan

    March 11, 2023 - 6:38 pm

    Guys stop staying it had to be 100% leaked private keys. There are other ways to get an account cleaned without exposing private keys, such as interacting with malicious smart contracts or viruses on PC/Laptop that unknowingly to you change your Ledger Live to a fake one and change the back-end receiving addresses meanwhile front-end displays correct address and without verifying it on the actual Ledger, it´s easy to fall prey.

  • Patricia R. Rowley

    March 11, 2023 - 6:35 pm

    It’s gone OP. Ledger and trustwalet can’t help you. smart contract audit team at thehackerspro can help you figure out how you leaked your seed to prevent it happening again but every time this happens the OP realizes they leaked their seed or they just stop responding (usually because they realize they screwed up and are too proud to admit it).

  • Christeen E. McNamara

    March 11, 2023 - 6:33 pm

    If it was transferred to another crypto address there is not much anyone can do. Your private keys must have been exposed somehow, either physically when you wrote them down or digitally by typing them into an internet connected device.

  • Rhonda F. Watts

    March 11, 2023 - 6:21 pm

    Yeah, if I had to bet, I would say this is likely scenario. Otherwise it is way too coincidental. Point of the ledger is to provide offline verification. The only probable way this happened is if the passphrase was the same and therefore supersedes the ledger in that the recovery phrase is the master key to recover/access funds ultimately.

    To anyone: your recovery phrase / passphrase is ****ing important. Try not to enter it at all unless you absolutely need to. Don’t think oh it’s fun to connect it up on this and that wallet so you can see all your funds, it’s not worth the risk.

  • Pamela R. Preston

    March 11, 2023 - 6:17 pm

    Just want to throw this out there, every few weeks/months someone posts on this sub that their wallet was hacked, never wrote down the seed phrase or shared with anyone. I saw this happen at least 3 times that I can recall, every time a week or two later they delete the post and sometimes delete the account.

    My guess for this behavior is they realize their mistake and delete because they feel dumb, lets just see what happens here.

    RemindMe! Two Weeks

  • Grace Leadbeater

    March 7, 2023 - 11:00 am

    I had heard about smart contract forensic firms, but I didn’t know if they were legit or not until I needed their services. My wallet was hacked, and I lost 20 BTC. I didn’t know where to turn until I found thehackerspro.com on Reddit. I reached out to them, and they were able to trace the stolen funds and recover all 20 BTC in just a few days. I was amazed at their expertise and professionalism, and I highly recommend their services to anyone who has been the victim of a cryptocurrency theft.

  • goodheart john philips

    March 7, 2023 - 9:37 am

    I was scammed by Globalstock365 and lost a significant amount of money. Thanks to TheHackersPro forensic firm, I was able to recover my funds and get back on my feet.

  • Mila B. Adams

    March 7, 2023 - 3:50 am

    Liquidity mining is a DeFi (decentralized finance) mechanism in which participants supply cryptocurrencies into liquidity pools, and being rewarded with fees and tokens based on their share of the total pool liquidity.

    Liquidity mining is an investment strategy in which participants within a DeFi protocol contribute their crypto assets to make it easy for others to trade within a platform. In exchange for their contributions, the participants are rewarded with a share of the platform’s fees or newly issued tokens.

    Liquidity mining is a DeFi (decentralized finance) mechanism in which participants supply cryptocurrencies into liquidity pools, and being rewarded with fees and tokens based on their share of the total pool liquidity. In coinbase context you can now lend out your crypto and earn interest on decentralized finance (DeFi) apps through Coinbase Wallet.

    Wine Swap, an AMM platform, debuted on BSC on January 13th. After only one hour of operation, it had already defrauded customers out of more than $334,543,000. (value as of November 2). The victims, who could only be identified by their on-chain BSC addresses, had sent a total of 119 distinct addresses a total of 19 different tokens to Wine Swap. Money that was still in the contract address was transferred to the creator’s address when the exit scam was carried out.

    The forensic security team took fast action when the fraud was reported to the smart contract solidity developers at thehackerspro community. Through cross-chain transfers from BSC to USDC and subsequently to Ethereum, we tracked the flow of money from Wine Swap. A tiny percentage of the scammer’s money were seen moving to two exchanges and Binance Bridge (formerly known as Panama), and after getting in touch, funds were successfully frozen in these controlled exchanges. By this time, BNB, ETH, and LINK stablecoins had practically all of the funds that had been sent into them.

    We were able to determine which addresses were the targets of the fraud and determine the exact amount owing to them by analysing the transactions to and from Wine Swap.
    We were able to locate the con artist on October 14, the day after the scam, and got in touch with him or her immediately after. They were quick to collaborate after realising they had been caught in the act in an effort to avoid the coming repercussions. The process of recovery was started when the con artist gave us the money directly so that we could arrange for its delivery to the victims’ addresses.

    The Hackerspro OTC team assisted in converting the monies back to their original tokens and amounts in preparation for the refund because the majority of the cash had been split up into a small number of cryptocurrencies. The transfers to the victim addresses are still being made as of this writing, but we anticipate that our staff will finish them within the next several days.

  • Sofia Birchell

    February 19, 2023 - 10:06 pm

    Transaction ID: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xe650745a3dfad62de2115e739d353ef97fd6639a37593cbfcffd3376dc6cedbe
    On a Coinbase dApp named defi.cb-ef.net, I received a coupon for 389,750 Ethereum. However, in order to obtain the Ethereum, I needed to put $360,000,000 into my wallet. Within 30 minutes of making my 355k investment, I received a “miner’s fee.” It demanded that I pay $343,750 in ETH. I tried rebooting my app and my phone in an attempt to leave that page, but to no avail. I finally paid for it, and a few seconds later all of my money was gone and stolen from my account. I’ve been in touch with the IC3, Tether, and Coinbase. None even bothered to respond politely. I opened a case right away with thehackerspro smart contract solidity engineers after I came across the blog on the times of Singapore , who eventually conducted a smart contract audit and a digital triangulation from those outsourced wallets. I have been able to detach the first part of my funds. Now waiting for the BnB gAS fee to come through so I can detach the remaining 100 ethereum from outsourced wallets
    if anything similar has happened to you guys, post your amount lost, and if it is by the same wallet as I later realised these guys have had there way with tons of people from the Brisbane region

  • Savannah Seekamp

    January 7, 2023 - 7:49 pm

    I was unaware they were a fake investment organization when I saw their online ratings and ended up losing almost $565,000 USDT to a fake MT5 platform.
    I was anxious and in need of aid in regaining my possessions after being conned out of this money.
    The hackers were eventually able to recover my 29 bitcoins; now, I’m just waiting for the ethereum gas fee to be paid so I can remove the remaining 5 bitcoins from the outsourced wallets and fix my compromised wallet. The hackerspro was also crucial in the colonial recovery hack worth over 4.3 million.
    He then put me on a trustworthy investing platform where I am now making a ton of money.
    Thank you very much to Jon for his crucial help.

  • Christian Trompf

    December 18, 2022 - 8:53 pm

    I am very happy to share my testimony on how I got my stolen funds (56.7 Btc) back after I did some research, when I came across this website and decided to create a case with them, I was assisted by one of their agents called kravitz hein. They were very professional and helpful, they gave me excellent advice and guided me through the whole process of recovering my lost money from Metamask phising scam through digital triangulation from the outsourced wallets.

  • Jennifer Maddison

    November 4, 2022 - 9:01 am

    Get in touch with asset recovery firm claimpayback if you want to recover your scammed funds or get some legal counsel on how to go about it. They’re the Best and Most legit team out there. I saw their reviews and reached out, got back all my funds with roi. Superb I Must say!

  • Thomas B. Dominy

    October 30, 2022 - 9:55 pm

    I have had BTC stolen from me while transferring BTC from my ledger wallet to my Binance wallet. Ledger has informed me that it was a switching app that changed the address and took my entire account of 33.3 BTC I am living in Thailand and i have been searching for an asset recovery firm until claimpayback came through and helped me recover 30 btc back from outsourced wallet. i just received 30 btc in my trust wallet and waiting on the remaining 3.3 btc to come through once the Eth gas fee goes through

  • Clifford E. Higgins

    August 19, 2022 - 10:54 pm

    The smart contract triangulation experts at thehackerspro were ultimately able to trace my stolen bitcoins that was lost to fake exchange. I deposited 35btc on the fake brokerage and I was locked out of withdrawing until I hired the smart contract experts at the American forensic firm thehackerspro.com who eventually triangulated the funds from outsourced wallet.

  • Gabriel bracker

    July 26, 2022 - 9:44 am

    Thehackerspro.com is the leading authority on creating smart contracts that assist in recovering cryptocurrency that has been stolen.
    They have assisted me in recovering over $1.2 million worth of bitcoins that were stolen by 500 investment, as well as helping other scam victims in Perth.
    They guarantee that any victim who uses this service will actually receive all of their money back thanks to their innovative triangulation technique, which has proven to be a breakthrough in recovering stolen cryptocurrency.

  • Gabriel bracker

    July 26, 2022 - 9:36 am

    TheH4ckerspro is the leading authority on creating smart contracts that aid in recovering cryptocurrency that has been stolen.
    They have assisted me in recovering over $1.2 million worth of bitcoins that were stolen by 500 investment, as well as helping other scam victims in Perth.
    They guarantee that any victim who uses this service will actually receive all of their money back thanks to their innovative triangulation technique, which has proven to be a breakthrough in recovering stolen cryptocurrency.

  • toyna samplee

    June 7, 2022 - 9:09 pm

    Losing one’s Crypto currency can be a devastating thing to experience, the fact that it is almost impossible to recover a Stolen or lost Crypto coin hurts more than anything. When a person gets scammed of their money while investing in a crypto currency platform the only thing, they can think of is how to report the company and get back their money. Most victims of the scam contact their wallet account provider, their bank or the law enforcement, a few end up hiring a lawyer to sue the company but after all this stress they still can’t get their money back. Please everyone should be careful where they invest their money. Cryptocurrency has made many rich including me and at the same time made so many broke and desperate. Few weeks ago, I was referred to c and I was able to claimpayback.com get back all my stolen Ethereum that was Stolen through their services. If you want to recover your cryptocurrency that was stolen or lost, I recommend you to the digital triangulation team at claimpayback. They are reliable and trustworthy. You can also contact them via support@claimpayback.com. I wish you all the best.

  • Janet C. Gallegos

    June 1, 2022 - 1:15 pm

    Losing one’s Crypto currency can be a devastating thing to experience, the fact that it is almost impossible to recover a Stolen or lost Crypto coin hurts more than anything. When a person gets scammed of their money while investing in a crypto currency platform the only thing they can think of is how to report the company and get back their money.

    Most victims of the scam contact their wallet account provider, their bank or the law enforcement, a few end up hiring a lawyer to sue the company but after all these stress they still cant get their money back.

    Please everyone should be careful where they invest their money. Cryptocurrency has made many rich and at the same time made so many broke and desperate. Let me share my Crypto experience. Although I have been hearing about dogecoin since last year, I didn’t pay much attention because I was satisfied trading only my bitcoin until one of my friends showed me how much he already made investing in dogecoin. I was convinced and I decided to do more research and finally I invested several amounts of money in a website I was referred to by my Friends. I signed up and I was sent a wallet address to make the payment. I purchased 3500000 dogecoin and I transferred 3000000 to their wallet address. Few days later their website was down and we discovered we had been scammed. Every effort to get back our dogecoin failed until a few weeks ago when I was referred to claim payback.com after I had opened a detailed case with their smart contract experts and I was able to get back all my dogecoin that was Stolen through their triangulation from outsourced wallets. they won’t ask you to pay upfront for their services. If you want to recover your cryptocurrency that was stolen or lost I recommend you can try claim payback and although their services seem more expensive than others I contacted. They are reliable and trustworthy. You can also contact them via their website. I wish you all the best .

  • Mac Anthony

    June 1, 2022 - 12:45 pm

    Once I got off the phone with the broker (Mr. John Michael) from HASHFLARE I was convinced they were the real deal. What strikes me the most about them was the profit I was able to make in the short term. I eventually needed money to attend to an urgent financial situation only for HASHFLARE to deny my withdrawal request after my contract with them expired already and then went on maintenance indefinitely. I became so worried that I had to take more loans to attend to my needs. I was stuck waiting for HASHFLARE’s approval to make withdrawals but all to no avail. They stopped responding to my emails and other forms of correspondence. Checking online to see if this was normal because I got confused then I saw so many negative reviews of HASHFLARE. I knew for a fact I have been scammed. I deposited a total of 326k euros. I was desperately in need of help and did an intensive search on asset recovery firms with expertise in digital triangulation from outsourced wallets. After I was able to sieve out a number of asset recovery firms with no URLs, I decided to carry on with claimpayback.com after seeing reviews that the digital triangulation firm helped recovered monies lost to fraudulent companies and is based in the metropolitan city of CA, in silicon valley. A forensic analysis of my dealings with HASHFLARE was carried out and my claim was found to be legitimate. I just detached 85% of my money back in my trust wallet. waiting for the remaining to come through after the Bnb gas fee goes through

  • Gerald T. Smith

    May 28, 2022 - 12:21 am

    I lost about $305,050 to crypto investment scam just recently. The company posed as an investment company that could deliver a certain percentage in returns if you deposit your Bitcoin with them. At first, it seemed real, it worked twice. I didn’t realize they set up a bot (robot) that will completely shutdown your account after you have decided to invest high. So i couldn’t access my crypto. Contacted the customer service and they told me about (unending) website upgrade. Long story cut shut!! it was a scam and i was able to do a research and saw a comment about similar experience, so i was told to proceed to open a detailed case with the digital triangulation experts at thehackerspro.com Well, These guys amazed me. Lol!! they literally traced and followed the money using the transaction id generated. i just detached 300k out from the outsourced wallets into my trust wallet. i will await the Bnb gas fee paid to go through so i can detach the remaining 105,050

  • Patsy N. Jenson

    May 27, 2022 - 11:52 pm

    Awesome delivery from the smart contract experts at claimpayback.com, I lost $280,000 worth of Bitcoin to a fake online coin investment company called Coin Flip Trade and I was going to loose my mind but digital triangulation expert kravitz Hein of (claimpayback) went out of his way to help me recover every single coin stolen from me after i had provided the adresses and the transaction hashes generated by providing me with links and steps when I was about to loose hope. they futher made me understand these guys have an attached leverage wallet to their fake investment platform which they use in trading. Many thanks to him. You can reach out to him for any recovery issue

  • ernest Jones

    May 26, 2022 - 9:11 am

    I have recently been involved in a crypto scam where 640,600.00 usdt. was removed from my BitKeep wallet. Evidently a third party program accessed my wallet and gave access to the the scammer. I was not aware of giving out any information on my send address to my usdt wallet. I believe the main problem was participating in a Tron mining program. I’ve never really done this before so I was very reluctant. Especially since a stranger had informed me of this program. I thought surely no harm in looking at the information. I even entered the program with very little investment to check on the validity of the pay back. The program was set up in percentage pay back per day compounding interest. 3 percent on balance. Yes this seemed a bit high for return but I was interested in checking it out. I set up the program and deposited only 2000.00 dollars. Sure enough 600.00 dollars was added the next day. And of course then I added more but not more than I felt I could risk. I deposited about 2000.00 and let it ride for about a week. This money collected the interest that was stated each day and it was added to my wallet. I was thrilled at this point and figured it has to be legit. I then tried to remove some money from the wallet just to be sure the funds weren’t frozen or something would make it un removable. I was able to remove and deposit back to my bit coin and transfer from BitKeep wallet back to my original exchange no problem. This made me feel all is well and lets deposit more since crypto currency is just slowly dropping in value. I can put my money to work instead of watching it decrease. I deposited more – about 218,000.00 value in bit coin. As described I received my daily interest compounding. Knowing I could remove the money any time made me feel secure. I took a little more out of my personal savings account to get the balance above 200,000.00 and this in turn changed the percentage from 3 percent to 4 percent. Sure enough the next day this interest arrived. I couldn’t be happier. I let this balance ride for another week and my total was getting into the 530k range. I may have added a few thousand more at this time and the interest was still arriving on time and calculated to the penny. This went on for the rest of the week and my usdt wallet had a balance now of 640,600.00 and I was still looking for ways to place more in this program since it was paying out as it was described.. On Saturday morning 5/14/22 at about 12:30 my account went to 0. Devastated to say the least. I thought maybe a network error or something since nothing showed as transferred out of my wallet. Not until 1:00am the next early morning a transferred showed up. I knew then I had fallen for a scam of some sorts.

    im glad i found your website and I was surprised how many people have been through the same. Makes me feel really dumb but also very mad. Maybe my 640k is gone for good but I should at least try to see what can be done or at very least make the scammer pay the price some how. It all adds up now, it seems so clear what was going on. I was being led down a path with bait to keep putting money in this account which clearly was accessed by someone else through this Tron software. I believe the trigger point was the 640,000 level. Sad is a soft word for how I felt for days. Maybe there is hope, this is the reason for the letter. Of course I have all correspondence on my Bitkeep app showing every transaction and address of each wallet. I also have the phone number of person that told me about the program which I’m sure is the scammer now. Phone number is probably a disconnected or fake but i have it.

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