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1. thehackerspro seeks to recover stolen cryptocurrency


Thehackerspro seeks to recover stolen cryptocurrency

thehackerspro seeks to recover stolen cryptocurrency


When your money has been stolen, it can be devastating. However, there are ways to get it back. Thehackerspro is a forensic company that offers services to help you recover lost cryptocurrency or other digital assets.

Thehackerspro provides expert advice and support on reclaiming funds from credit card fraud and phishing scams as well as cases involving Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Scams of all kinds.

With over 20 years experience in the industry and a team of professional investigators who specialize in helping people like you receive compensation for their losses due to cyber crime we guarantee 100% satisfaction!

thehackerspro seeks to recover stolen cryptocurrency

  • File your complaint with thehackerspro.com by openeing a case with either the 24/7 live support or open a detailed email with digital triangulation experts
  • Provide us with a copy of the transaction and proof of ownership (such as screenshots).
  • We will work with you to recover your stolen funds.

Submit an initial consultation form or simply call/text thehackerspro at +1(301)997-2349

Thehackerspro seeks to recover stolen cryptocurrency. Thehackerspro has a number of ways to get in contact with you. You can cal/textl support +1(301)997-2349

, submit an online initial consultation form or simply email us.

You can also reach out to Thehackerspro through our website chat feature (you are on the site right now).

We understand that some victims of cryptocurrency theft may be hesitant to share personal information over the phone, but we assure you that our agents will never ask for sensitive information such as credit card numbers or bank account numbers during the initial consultation process.

Thehackerspro seeks to recover stolen cryptocurrency

You are the victim of a scam. You need to take control of the situation. The hackers pro can help you with that, contact them immediately through their website and let them know what happened so they can get started on your case!

Take control of situation and ask for smart contract experts help. thehackerspro will help you through the process! Your identity is always kept private.

If you have been a victim of cryptocurrency theft and want to get your coins back, thehackerspro is here to help. We are a global leader in forensic cryptocurrency investigations and have recovered millions of dollars worth of digital assets for our clients.

Our team will take control of the situation and file your complaint with law enforcement agencies as soon as possible. You don’t need to worry about how this will affect your identity; we will keep it confidential throughout the process.

We know that filing a complaint can be confusing, so we offer free consultations where one of our experts will walk you through every step so that you get everything right and aren’t wasting time doing things that aren’t necessary.

If you want someone who knows what they’re doing on their side during this difficult time, then contact us now!

Get your money back from Credit Card Fraud and Phishing

Get your money back from Credit Card Fraud and Phishing

Thehackerspro is a global leader in forensic cryptocurrency investigations. The firm has assisted over 1000s of corporate investors like you to recover their funds in more than 100 countries amounting to over $500 million !

TheHackersPro has been at the forefront of fighting cybercrime since its inception more than 15 years ago, and they have handled everything from hacking incidents to fraud cases. They are also highly experienced in dealing with financial crime cases involving cryptocurrencies and other digital currencies, having recovered millions worth of stolen cryptocurrencies for their clients during this time.

Thehackerspro has been on the fore front of cryptocurrency recovery from outsourced wallets. using the wallet adresses and transaction hashes to trace and recover stolen cryptocurrency.

Thehackerspro will help you identify phishing scams, credit card fraud and recovery funds from outsourced wallets. We can get your cryptocurrency back just in time for you to use it for the holidays.

The team at hackers pro have extensive experience in the restoration of stolen cryptocurrency from decentralized wallets and exchanges. We have successfully traced and recovered many high value transactions from different blockchains.

Our services are affordable and we will work closely with you to review your case and make a solution that works best for you today. If you have been a victim of cryptocurrency theft, our team at hackers pro is here to help.

We can review your case and determine the best way for us to proceed with the recovery process. If you have been a victim of cryptocurrency theft, hackers pro is here to help. We can review your case and determine the best way for us to proceed with the recovery process.

Our team at hackers pro has experience in recovering stolen cryptocurrency from decentralized wallets and exchanges.

International criminals have been stealing credit card data for years and making off with tens of millions of dollars. In recent months, we’ve seen a rise in crime through phishing sites that are designed to appear as if they are legitimate financial institutions, such as banks and credit card companies.

These phishing sites typically mimic the look and feel of the legitimate website. They appear to be secure, but are not. When you fall for the scam, your information is sent to a safe where these criminals can sell or steal your information.

While the traditional methods of credit card fraud are still popular, thieves have begun to use technology to create sophisticated scams that look like they come from legitimate financial institutions. They can be hard to spot if you don’t know what to look for.

Many phishing sites are created using templates and made to look like the legitimate website. They may have similar logos and colors, but they often misspell words or use the wrong address for contact information.

Get your money back from a Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Scams

get your money back from a bitcoin and cryptocurrency scams

The hackerspro forensic firm are a global leader in forensic cryptocurrency investigations. The team at hackerspro is built with experience and expertise that enables us to assist you through the process of recovering stolen funds from a cryptocurrency scam.

Your identity is always kept private, so feel free to contact us at any point!

Thehackerspro seeks to recover stolen cryptocurrency

your money has been stolen and you’re devastated? Don’t worry, the forensic experts at thehackerspro will Help you To Recover Your Money!

Don’t worry, the forensic experts at thehackerspro will Help you To Recover Your Money! The hackers pro is a global leader in forensic cryptocurrency investigations. We have Quick Process. Secure Free Consultation. Schedule Free Call.

Thehackerspro Funds Recovery. Phishing Scams Recovery

The Hacker Pro has been helping victims of crypto theft since 2016 and has recovered millions of dollars worth of stolen cryptocurrencies for its clients globally by providing them with a specialized team that works directly with law enforcement agencies to investigate cybercrime cases involving cryptocurrencies to recover your lost funds

The hacker pro was founded by Chris Carter who was previously employed as an investigator for one of the world’s leading digital forensics companies where he worked on many high profile crypto theft cases involving bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies

He used his expertise from this experience along with his understanding of how criminals operate online to create a company dedicated entirely to recovering stolen cryptocurrencies for its clients


If you are looking for expert help to recover your stolen cryptocurrency, then contact thehackerspro today! We can help you get your money back from Credit Card Fraud and Phishing scams. If someone has stolen your coins, we’ll provide our services and expertise so that they can be tracked down by experts in their field.

We have been working hard since 2016 helping people recover their lost funds after being scammed on cryptocurrency exchanges or other places where they stored their crypto assets.



  • Lindsey Concern

    November 26, 2023 - 10:34 am


    Dear Internet Users,

    In an era of evolving digital threats, safeguarding your digital assets is crucial. Here are essential steps to keep your information secure:

    Strong Passwords: Create complex, unique passwords for each account. Include a mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols. Avoid easily guessable information.

    Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable 2FA wherever possible. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification.

    Update Regularly: Keep software, apps, and operating systems up-to-date. Updates often include security patches that protect against the latest threats.

    Beware of Phishing: Be cautious with emails, messages, or links from unknown sources. Verify the sender’s authenticity before clicking or providing any personal information.

    Secure Wi-Fi Networks: Use strong passwords for your Wi-Fi networks. Regularly change them and enable WPA3 encryption for enhanced security.

    Backup Your Data: Regularly back up important files and data. In case of a cyber incident, you can restore your information without succumbing to ransomware demands.

    Firewall Protection: Activate firewalls on your devices to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic, providing an additional layer of defense.

    Secure Mobile Devices: Apply security measures to smartphones and tablets, including password protection and remote wipe capabilities in case of loss or theft.

    Monitor Financial Transactions: Regularly review your bank and credit card statements for any unauthorized transactions. Report discrepancies immediately.

    Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats and best practices. Knowledge is a powerful defense against cyberattacks.

    Report every cybersecurity threats, lost digital assets or fraud to the right cybersecurity experts like h4ck@thehackerspro.com

    Remember, your digital safety is a shared responsibility. By implementing these measures and seeking expert guidance, you contribute to a more secure online environment for everyone.

    Stay vigilant, stay secure!


    Lindsey Concerns

  • Christianah McIlrathy Mans

    October 13, 2023 - 10:07 am

    t’s a great deal to share some experience on the improved sensitization about the topic.
    I am passionate about this topic because of my past experiences which have made me more knowledgeable.
    If I had access to such information in the past, I wouldn’t have been swindled of my hard earned as much as I was.
    I lost a lot of money to several investment platforms while trying to make enough to retire early.
    I lost it all and didn’t know how to start all over again. Luckily, a friend introduced me to the Crypto Recovery Agency guys,
    whom I reached on their email, support@claimpayback.com they introduced me to legitimate investment platforms who are currently helping me actualize my dream of early retirement, and helped recover my lost 24.02 eth. I hope this will help someone in need as I understood and felt how terrible getting conned was

  • Sandra

    July 19, 2023 - 11:27 pm

    If the process is too good to be true, it’s probably a phony crypto recovery expert. I have been scammed by so many recovery companies, and I can tell, it’s almost not possible to recover stolen or crypto sent to the wrong address. It’s rare to find a legit recovery company without getting scammed believe it or not. I’m saying from experience and I can tell you h4ckerspro com is reliable,not 100% but will never leave you stranded

  • vin cheklov

    July 17, 2023 - 4:29 pm

    […] Opening a Detailed Case with TheHackersPro: If you have been a victim of any of the aforementioned scenarios, opening a detailed case with a tru… They specialize in smart contract audits and can assist in recovering stolen funds or conducting […]

  • Adelaide Bergamaschi

    July 15, 2023 - 2:00 pm

    best crypto recovery service with very professional support staff

  • kelvin thai

    April 10, 2023 - 8:00 am

    “I never thought I would be able to recover my stolen cryptocurrencies worth 800k, but thanks to TheHackerspro, I did! Their team of experts was able to trace the stolen coins and identify the wallets to which they had been transferred. Contact them at support@thehackerspro.com for assistance in recovering lost cryptocurrencies.”

  • Ronda S. Andresen

    March 18, 2023 - 3:49 pm

    beware Globalstock365.com is a hundred percent a fraudulent forex broker. Globalstock365.com, taking my online wallet at the time of payout. It is a SCAM! After making the initial deposit, people get transferred to a more intelligent scammer, called an “account manager,” who will try to get more money from you. i lost over 174 btc to this scam broker When you open an account, check the company charge you in your bank statement, it is mainly located in Eastern Europe, as these shitty groups scammed me. Dispute if you paid by CC. They will try to connect by any desk to your PC and steal your money. They will convert your fund to crypto and transfer it to their account. Everything on their website is fake. You never be allowed to withdraw your money. They will do simulated trading to show you that you made money, then push you to put in more money and charge you by commission and swap. All are fake. When you put your money in, you will lose your money 100%. These people are corrupt, degenerate, iniquitous, nefarious, and vicious which made me to open a detailed case with the smart contract triangulation expert at american forensic firm thehackerspro. I cannot remember the last time I felt as happy as I am feeling today after my lost Bitcoin to globalstock was recovered from their leveraged outsourced wallets by digital forensic recovery team. i have just detached 204 btc from my trust wallet with bitcoins now on 27,300 on tradingview. this has to be the best news of this decade.

  • Howard K. Cutting

    March 7, 2023 - 6:13 pm

    Thanks They were quite attentive to my circumstance and got me my money back. Excellent service. I have no hesitation in commending them to anyone else who has been scammed. A grateful client. If you have been through the same issue and know you got scammed, I strongly recommend their services

  • Deborah M. Montgomery

    March 7, 2023 - 9:47 am

    Due to theHackerspro years of experience in this industry and deep expertise, the smart contract developers at the digital triangulation firm have helped thousands of clients recover over USD 1 billion worth of cryptocurrency and tokens. they are in the best position to help your business recover from any loss due to cyber-crime with their proprietary triangulation methodology which has been developed over the last two decades.

  • Adelinda Panicucci

    March 4, 2023 - 6:41 pm

    I initially invested a total of $1,050,000 over a period of 5 weeks with my broker. My bonus/profit was $8,300,000, every attempt to make withdrawal failed and I was instructed to make another deposit of $250,000 before I can make withdrawals which I did. Up till now, I’m still unable to make withdrawals and all attempt to contact broker has failed. This is very pathetic and I felt so bad losing my investment. I did a due diligence test before investing with them but guess what I ended up getting burned. This is to create awareness, not everybody can be as lucky as I was. I’m saying this because I was able to recover my funds. Thanks to the thehackerspro smart contract recovery specialist,

  • Judith M. Ely

    January 26, 2023 - 2:35 pm

    The hackerspro team, who created the smart contract and were able to recover funds for us handled our case in a very professional way. If you’ve been ripped off in a pig butchering or cryptocurrency investment fraud, open a case with smart contract audit at @h4ckerspro. vlad was the specialist who opened a case with us on telegram

  • Audrey McGrath

    December 18, 2022 - 9:02 pm

    Hello, I’m a cryptocurrency engineer and lost 4.4812 million aud to a phishing scam via Metamask (a digital wallet used by many people). My regular office web developer recommended that I contact claimpayback.com who could help recover my losses. I did so and within 12 hours, the investigative team at claimpayback.com had found that the link in question was indeed a phising link and was able to restore my funds back into my digital wallet after confirming ownership of the account (Talks about how they were professional in every way).

  • Evelyn M. Yu

    December 12, 2022 - 12:20 am

    My name is John, and I am a victim of this scam. I invested 1,000 bitcoin in bitbank.com, and when they pulled the exit scam, I lost everything. I was devastated. Then one day I saw an ad on google about asset recovery firm claimpayback.com. They recovered over 200 btc for me! I never moved traditional currency there, I just moved cryptos, bitcoin in specific. As far as I know the Chinese government stop the crypto transactions about 4 months ago. I never receive communications related to that. For a series of facts I have presently about 17.4 BTC still invested there that i was unable to access the website bitbank.com starting from the end of december 2022 while it seems that last transactions from their site are dated august 2022. There were rumors of funds moving close to January 2023 so I’m assuming that part of the funds, that in theory should be around 2100 BTC in total, have been stolen.i have gone ahead to open a detailed case with asset recovery experts at claimpayback.com who have been helping victims of scam. they were eventually able to trace and follow the money from outsourced wallets. i have just detached 14.3 btc and waiting for the Eth gas fee go go through before detaching the remaining 3.1btcoutsourced wallets.

  • Caitlyn Macfarlan

    November 7, 2022 - 9:28 am

    Everyone, I would guess, has experienced at least one online fraud, whether it was a friend, workmate, relative, or even a spouse. Although there is nothing wrong with having the fervor to make more money, all I can advise is to do it the proper way and exercise more caution. It saddens me to watch people losing their hard-earned money or life savings because they weren’t careful enough or were just in a hurry. All hope is not lost, so please visit thehackerspro.com and download the Wats App at +1 310 773 4859 if you have in any way lost money or property to a romance scammer, a phoney ICO, or a currency investment.

  • Charlotte Dalziel

    November 7, 2022 - 9:15 am

    The fact that it is very hard to retrieve a Stolen or Lost Crypto coin makes it even more painful. Losing cryptocurrency may be devastating. The only thing a person can think of when they lose money when investing in a cryptocurrency platform is how to report the business and recover their funds. The majority of scam victims contact their bank, their wallet provider, or the police. A small number decide to hire a lawyer to file a lawsuit against the company, but despite all of this stress, they still are unable to recover their money. Please, everyone should exercise caution when making financial decisions. Many people have become wealthy thanks to cryptocurrencies, but many more are now broke and in need of help. Let me share my experience in crypto. I have always been contended with trading only bitcoin, ignoring the fact that I had been hearing about bitcoin investment since last year. Not until one of my friends showed me how much money he had already made from investing in bitcoin. I decided to conduct additional research after becoming persuaded, and I ultimately deposited some amount of money in a website that one of my friends had recommended. After I signed up, a wallet address for making the payment was sent to me. I bought Aud350,0000 bitcoin and sent 300,0000 to the recipient’s wallet address. After their website went down a few days later, we realized we had been duped. Prior to being recommended to asset recovery firm (claimpayback.com) a few weeks ago, all attempts to recover our bitcoins had been unsuccessful. However, thanks to their services, I was able to recover all of the bitcoins that had been stolen. we have just detached the
    Aud320,000 from my trust wallet. They won’t demand payment in advance for their services. They can be trusted and are dependable. You can also contact them via whatsapp : +1(310) 773 4859 My best wishes are with you.

  • Keira Teichelmann

    November 7, 2022 - 9:01 am

    2 months ago I got convinced by my sister’s best friend that we all come together to invest in bitcoin and I felt they were really close and I didn’t ask to many questions went head on to risk it on $120k . my suster and her best friend also came up with an additional $240k .Up until last week I’ve been back to the app to get my interest out it was right there and then I knew the whole stuff was not legit luckily for me while I made the deposits I made a note of all the wallets I made payments into including the transaction hashes generated during the transaction and then went online to seek help on there after opening a cryptocurrency recovery case with the smart contract team at Thehackerspro . com really saved me the stress of going through Traumas cause I knew i lost it all! kolarov monte their smart contract audit lead was able show results under 32hrs the Scammers wallet that stole my money was identified and we already got 309k back into our trust wallet from the outsourced wallets under 40hrs and he is still getting my money back by the hour there is hope.

  • Lilly Pickering

    November 7, 2022 - 8:46 am

    invested more than $1.2 million Euro in bitcoin investment company Starekco. After I made the deposit, it became evident that they were experiencing serious operational problems because I was unable to withdraw any of my funds. What’s worse is that after looking into this story (and talking to other victims), I discovered that Starekco/VIP might be a part of a larger fraud conspiracy involving a number of companies and people. The claimpayback.com forensic team subsequently and painlessly recovered my earnings. I was relieved to find a total of 55.6 BTC in my trustwallet recently. I am waiting for the final 15 bitcoins from claimpayback.com after the ethereum gas price has decreased because I am really happy with their service. They are superior with smart contract audit with interaction with outsource wallets They are the best in the business and will do anything possible to help you get your money back

  • Robert S. Oyler

    October 30, 2022 - 10:03 pm

    My $755k was stolen by a fake wallet that wouldn’t let me withdraw it. Coinbox/vip was their moniker. On my phone, the platforms page opens with the coinbase logo when the browser is first launched. Their dapp wallet’s legal description makes mention to Coinbase, and the help centre button links to Coinbase help. But when I contacted Coinbase, they informed me via email that they are not associated with Coinbox. Coinbox is now informing me that I must pay a 175k tax before I can get my money. I opened a case with Kravitz Hein right away on thehackerspro.com platform, and they carried out a smart contract audit right away using digital triangulation. I’m crying right now as    I just received a deposit of 35.4 Btc in my trust wallet. im now  waiting for the Ethereum gas fee to come through so I can detach the remaining from outsourced wallets.

  • Stacey B. Feller

    October 30, 2022 - 10:00 pm

    I am a cryptocurrency trader and i have been trading in the market for a long time. i have been using trezor wallet to store my coins but recently i mistakenly clicked on a phishing link and all my coins were stolen. I immediately opened a case with the smart contract developers at thehackerspro they came to my aid. their digital triangulation experts able to recover $4.4 million dollars in stolen cryptocurrency from my trezor wallet after i mistakenly clicked on a phishing link. The money was recovered from multiple wallets which are outsourced by thehackerspro.com
    The company also helped me detach $2.4 million in my wallet being the first part of the 4.4 million recovered and i am waiting for the BNB gas fee to go through so that i can detach the rest from the outsourced wallets The process was very fast and professional. I would highly recommend thehackerspro.com to anyone who has been hacked or lost their cryptocurrency from a hardware wallet”

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Professional hackers for hire at TheHackersPro

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(10am - 05 pm)

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