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1. How to Recover stolen coin from Trust wallet


  • David Schäfer

    October 11, 2023 - 11:37 am

    t’s a great deal to share some experience on the improved sensitization about the topic.
    I am passionate about this topic because of my past experiences which have made me more knowledgeable.
    If I had access to such information in the past, I wouldn’t have been swindled of my hard earned as much as I was.
    I lost a lot of money to several investment platforms while trying to make enough to retire early.
    I lost it all and didn’t know how to start all over again. Luckily, a friend introduced me to the Crypto Recovery Agency guys,
    whom I reached on their email, support@claimpayback.com they introduced me to legitimate investment platforms who are currently helping me actualize my dream of early retirement, and helped recover my lost 24.02 eth. I hope this will help someone in need as I understood and felt how terrible getting conned was

  • Fannie van der Pasch

    June 24, 2023 - 1:30 am

    Initially I was approached through facebook about online earning site mining-9.com browsethrough
    TrustWallet. I invested only a few usdts and it was going good. Then when I added a
    total of 196,964 usdts it was transferred from my wallet on April 10,2023. I approached the customer service
    through +63 906 084 1903 they told me that my amount has been pledged for 60 days and I ll be given
    good returns. On 9th June 2023 60 days completed and when I asked for my funds and returns no one
    is responding though the site is still active. In the meanwhile I was asked to add more funds to get some
    daily earnings and when I added 100,652 usdts, it was also transferred from my wallet on may 25, 2023.
    The whole amount stolen from my trust wallet is all I am having after 15 years of university service as a lecturer and professor and that’s what my family and kids are dependent upon. i just opened a detailed case with the smart contract audit at american forensic firm thehackerspro who have been helping other victims get their assets back.
    Their digital triangulation team were able to trace the Transaction details are as follows.

    The transactions details, receiving wallet addresses, transaction hash along with dates are as follows.
    My Trust Wallet USDT BEP20 Adress: 0x57FCcb562db0e5f804CB2918C548D11be10A76B9e

    Date of Transaction: 10 April 2023.
    Transaction Hash: 0x9c906d431a70c7568b87689157bd25261ae27f7fc86268627bbe6341e1cad019e
    Receiving Adress: 0x8f845350cc9b2ce2e8749d2c2cd212850f01b40fe
    Amount: 87,263 USDTs

    Transaction Date: 10 April 2023.
    Transaction Hash: 0xdb98c8493fd0d7cdf4bfc153cc0c38799674f1bf318374248e2575a381ea8c9bg
    Receiving Adress: 0xca35fb03597a958da6d8d467b135e4f8d5a499614
    Amount: 9690 USDTs

    Transaction Date: 25 May 2023
    Transaction Hash: 0xf573602e337b5563c2fc1c54fd41ec26ad93be9533c44ae5da257010ffd9cf2e4
    Receiving Adress: 0xa67eefc687b3fbfc0b1ce359b4a34f7087ab39d14
    Amount: 9570 USDTs 

    Transaction Date: 25 May 2023
     Transaction Hash: 0x27016d6501608c42d3173cdb3c759db2a35a3032a0c0cc93b8d2f456a86e4b54
    Receiving Adress: 0xca35fb03597a958da6d8d467b135e4f8d5a49961s
    Amount: 100,671 USDTs 

    If you look at the transactions, one Adress Receiving lesser amount on both the dates is common. This has been done as the site mining-9.com where I entered automatically granted access to my Trust Wallet and my funds in it.

  • Bella

    June 14, 2023 - 3:26 pm

    If any chance you were a victim of mining or investment scheme that required you to send your personal asset, money or cryptocurrency in any form to a third party then you obviously need some light in this dark tunnel. I have been a crypto holder since 2014 and was a victim of the Quadriga scheme in 2016. All the red flag right there but it was too late. Luckily I found an article where I was able to report and reclaim my lost asset, Now take a look at this article where you can Report and reclaim your crypto loss
    Bet you’d find all your missing pieces.
    thank you to the forensic team as they were able to recover my funds

    • Antonellaleo

      May 3, 2024 - 8:22 am

      claimpayback.com are the best their service is fast pressure free

  • Dorothy R. McCauley

    June 5, 2023 - 4:11 pm

    Preventing future thefts is of utmost importance. Strengthen your security measures by using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication (2FA), and being cautious of phishing scams and fraudulent websites. Regularly update your knowledge of cybersecurity best practices to stay ahead of potential threats. By implementing robust security measures, you reduce the risk of falling victim to future scams and protect your valuable cryptocurrency assets.

  • Bonnie R. Thomas

    June 1, 2023 - 10:41 am

    i can understand how devastating it must have been to lose $305,050 to a crypto investment scam recently. In my own experience, I encountered a company that presented itself as a reputable investment firm, promising significant returns if I deposited my Bitcoin with them. Initially, everything seemed legitimate as I witnessed successful returns on my investments twice. Little did I know that they had set up a bot that would completely shut down my account once I decided to invest a larger amount.

    When I couldn’t access my crypto, I reached out to their customer service, only to be told about ongoing website upgrades that seemed never-ending. It was then that I realized I had become a victim of a scam. Determined to find a solution, I conducted thorough research and stumbled upon a comment from someone with a similar experience. They recommended opening a detailed case with the digital triangulation experts at TheHackersPro.com.

    With a glimmer of hope, I decided to trust their expertise. The professionals at TheHackersPro amazed me with their skills. They meticulously traced and followed the money trail using the transaction IDs generated. Through their efforts, I was able to detach $300,000 from the outsourced wallets into my Trust Wallet. Now, I eagerly await the completion of the BNB gas fee payment so I can detach the remaining $105,050.

    I cannot stress enough the importance of conducting thorough research and due diligence before engaging with any investment opportunity in the cryptocurrency space. Scammers are adept at making their schemes seem legitimate, and it’s unfortunate that we can fall victim to their deceit. However, with the help of professionals like TheHackersPro, there is hope for recovering stolen funds and holding scammers accountable.

    In sharing my story, I hope to raise awareness within the cryptocurrency community and prevent others from falling victim to similar scams. It is crucial to report such incidents and share information to protect fellow crypto enthusiasts. By doing so, we can create a safer environment and deter scammers from preying on unsuspecting individuals.

    While recovery services like TheHackersPro have shown their effectiveness in certain cases, it’s important to exercise caution and conduct your own research before engaging with any recovery service. Each situation is unique, and seeking professional advice tailored to your specific circumstances is essential.

    Moving forward, it is vital to prioritize cybersecurity measures to safeguard your valuable cryptocurrency assets. Stay vigilant, educate yourself on best practices, and never hesitate to seek expert assistance when needed. Together, we can combat scams and ensure a more secure crypto ecosystem for everyone.

  • Frank M. Tedesco

    April 21, 2023 - 1:44 pm

    Let’s goooo man I had 120 million safe moon stole from me 600 bucks worth at the moment of steal

  • harish shet

    April 21, 2023 - 1:40 pm

    Same thing happened to me. We should start a class action lawsuit against trust wallet. I lost 300k and trust wallet is responsible. I never gave my phrases out or clicked malicious links. What’s to say trust wallet them selves didn’t steal everyone’s crypto.

  • shayne Long

    April 21, 2023 - 1:30 pm

    To all you guys who lost money, I feel really sorry for you. I’m not a big investor but can’t even fckn imagine how angry I would be after something like this happened to me

  • Ykape

    April 21, 2023 - 2:53 am

    Hello: Yesterday my was attached and my phone was stolen. My phone was supposed to be blocked at 3:32pm but they thieves stole my BTC and ETH from my TRUST wallet at 6:56pm! Please help me!!

  • Frank P. Hale

    April 10, 2023 - 5:34 am

    i had clicked on a phishing link, which led to my trust wallet being compromised. The attackers were able to steal 200 BTC from my Trust Wallet. i immediately reached out to a forensic firm that specializes in smart contract auditing and forensic investigation after reading extensively on quora about their exploits.

    The forensic team conducted a thorough investigation of my transaction hashes and wallet and discovered that the funds had been moved to several different wallets and the suspicious link was traced to my chrome since i downloaded and connected it with my metamask. The forensic team used digital triangulation to track the movement of the funds, eventually tracing them to a series of outsourced leveraged wallets. i have just detached the first part of 175btc. now waiting for the ethereum gas fee to come through so i can detach the rest into my trust

  • Danny T. Moore

    March 15, 2023 - 6:47 pm

    I was amazed when they informed me that they had managed to detach the first part of 52 BTC from the outsourced wallets. Their persistence and professionalism were outstanding, and I can confidently say that without them, I would never have been able to recover my stolen coins.

  • Bryan T. Anderson

    February 26, 2023 - 12:03 am

    Have you ever been a victim of a cryptocurrency scam or any other type of scam?
    If you answered yes, know that you are not alone; there are many others in your situation.
    I was once the victim of a cryptocurrency scam that cost me a significant amount of money.
    This occurred just a few weeks ago.
    There is only one solution, and that is to talk to the right people; otherwise, you will become extremely depressed.
    I was devastated until I was referred to claimpayback, a smart contract audit firm.
    The firm has already recovered 90% of my loss in less than two weeks: (support@claimpayback.com).
    I just detached 69 bitcoins and am waiting for my ETH gas fee to clear.

  • Gustavo Bellucci

    January 31, 2023 - 12:29 pm

    Over the years, people have fallen prey to fake bogus traders and brokers who tend to offer juicy prospects at what you would amass if you decide to key into their scheme.If you need to recover your btc you should see this feel free to read this article

  • Abbey Lawlor

    December 28, 2022 - 4:15 pm

    Hello, I’m a cryptocurrency engineer and lost 4.4812 million aud to a phishing scam via Metamask (a digital wallet used by many people). My regular office web developer recommended that I contact claimpayback.com who could help recover my losses. I did so and within 12 hours , the investigative team at claimpayback.com had found that the link in question was indeed a phising link and was able to restore my funds back into my digital wallet after confirming ownership of the account.(Talks about how they were professional in every way).

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