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1. Ethereum/USDT Liquidity Mining Scam Recovery

Ethereum/USDT Liquidity Mining Scam

Ethereum/USDT Liquidity Mining Scam Recovery

Ethereum/USDT Liquidity Mining Scam Recovery
Ethereum/USDT Liquidity Mining Scam Recovery

Recently, there have been reports of a scam targeting victims of the Ethereum/USDT liquidity mining program in California. This widespread operation began at the end of September 2021 and operates through multiple domains that allow for crypto wallet connections. The scammers are draining USDT from wallets through smart contracts that are disguised as “mining vouchers” or “node certificates”. This fraudulent activity is generally happening through the Coinbase wallet app.

Victims of this scam have reported loss of funds, often amounting to significant sums of money. These losses have been extremely disruptive to the lives of those affected, and many have been left confused and unsure of how to recover their funds.

This type of scam is unfortunately becoming more common as more people invest in cryptocurrencies. It is important to remain vigilant and recognize the warning signs of fraudulent activity.

To protect oneself from this type of scam, one should carefully scrutinize any offers of lucrative returns or investment opportunities, as such offers can often be too good to be true. It is also important to verify that any crypto investments are being made through legitimate service providers, with a proven track record of quality service.

If you have been a victim of this scam or a similar crypto scam, it is important to report it to the appropriate authorities immediately. You can also seek the advice of a recovery specialist to help you recover your lost funds.

Ethereum/USDT Liquidity Mining Scam

This scam, which commenced in late September 2021, operates through various domains that enable crypto wallet connections. The scammers use smart contracts disguised as “mining vouchers” or “node certificates” to deceive victims. This investigation aims to shed light on the mechanics of the scam, the impact it has on victims, and the specific actions and vulnerabilities that allow the draining of funds to occur.

Mechanics of the Scam:

Disguised Smart Contracts: Scammers create smart contracts that mimic legitimate mining vouchers or node certificates, appealing to victims’ desire for additional rewards or incentives.

Domains and Wallet Connections: The scam operates through multiple domains that enable crypto wallet connections, including wallets used on the Coinbase platform.

Ethereum usdt liquidity mining scam reddit

Victim Interaction: Victims are enticed to connect their wallets to the scam domains, believing they are participating in the genuine Ethereum/USDT liquidity mining program.

Draining of Funds: Once victims connect their wallets, the smart contracts gain access to their USDT funds and initiate the unauthorized transfer of those funds to the scammers’ wallets.
Automated Process: The draining of funds occurs through an automated process executed by the smart contracts, making it challenging for victims to realize what is happening until it is too late.
Impact on the Victims:

Financial Losses: Victims suffer significant financial losses as a result of their funds being drained. The amounts lost can be substantial and have a severe impact on their financial situation and well-being.

Emotional Distress: The scam causes significant emotional distress, leaving victims feeling betrayed, violated, and powerless. Trust in the crypto ecosystem is also eroded, hindering wider adoption.

Disruption to Lives: The loss of funds disrupts victims’ lives, affecting their ability to meet financial obligations and pursue future investment opportunities.
Actions and Vulnerabilities:

Lack of Vigilance: Scammers exploit victims’ lack of awareness and vigilance when engaging in cryptocurrency transactions or investments, capitalizing on their desire for additional rewards or profits.

Trust in Coinbase: The scam takes advantage of victims’ trust in the Coinbase platform, utilizing its wallet app and infrastructure to carry out the fraudulent activity.

Failure to Verify Smart Contracts: Victims often fail to validate the authenticity of the smart contracts they are interacting with, assuming they are legitimate due to the association with the Ethereum/USDT liquidity mining program.
Absence of Robust Security Measures: Some victims may not have implemented robust security measures on their wallets, such as multi-factor authentication, making it easier for scammers to gain unauthorized access.

Ethereum/USDT Liquidity Mining Scam Recovery

Ethereum/USDT Liquidity Mining Scam Recovery
Ethereum/USDT Liquidity Mining Scam Recovery

The Ethereum/USDT liquidity mining scam targeting victims on Coinbase and draining their funds is a distressing and financially damaging fraudulent scheme. By understanding the mechanics of the scam, its impact on victims, and the vulnerabilities that scammers exploit, individuals can take proactive measures to safeguard themselves. It is crucial to remain vigilant, verify the authenticity of smart contracts, and ensure the implementation of robust security measures to protect against potential scams. Reporting any suspicious activity to appropriate authorities is vital in preventing further victimization and holding scammers accountable.


defi liquidity mining coinbase

DeFi (Decentralized Finance) liquidity mining is a process where users can provide liquidity to a decentralized exchange platform, such as Coinbase, and earn rewards in return. Liquidity mining involves depositing your digital assets into a pool, which enables traders to execute their trades on the platform smoothly.

How Does DeFi Liquidity Mining Work on Coinbase

Choose a Pool: First, you need to select a pool on Coinbase’s DeFi platform to provide liquidity. This typically involves pairing two different assets together, for example, Ethereum and a stablecoin like USDT.

Deposit Assets: Once you have chosen a pool, you deposit an equal value of both assets into the pool. This helps to balance the liquidity and create a market for traders.

Mining Rewards: By providing liquidity to the pool, you become eligible to earn mining rewards. The rewards are usually paid in the form of the platform’s native tokens or additional incentives.

usdt liquidity mining coinbase

According to a recent post on Coinbase’s website, the platform offers a liquidity program for users who provide large amounts of liquidity. The program enables users to benefit from lower and more competitive fees while trading new and lower liquidity pairs. This program, however, is different from liquidity mining.

However, there are third-party sources online that mention USDT liquidity mining on Coinbase. For example, CoinMarketBag[2] writes that Coinbase Wallet project offers risk-free, no mortgage, and stable income through DeFi mining. As long as you have at least 500 USDT in your Coinbase wallet, you can generate income. The website mentions that daily income ranges between 1.3% and 3.5%. However, users must exercise caution and research thoroughly before participating in such programs to avoid scams.

It should be noted that liquidity mining and programs available on Coinbase and other platforms can change over time, so users are advised to check the platform’s official website for up-to-date information.

Steps to Recover Scammed Cryptocurrency on Ethereum/USDT Liquidity Mining Scam
Steps to Recover Scammed Cryptocurrency on Ethereum/USDT Liquidity Mining Scam
Steps to Recover Scammed Cryptocurrency on Ethereum/USDT Liquidity Mining Scam

If you have fallen victim to the Ethereum/USDT liquidity mining scam, it is important to take immediate action to recover your funds. Here are the crucial steps to follow:

Report the Scam: Report the incident to your local law enforcement authorities and relevant regulatory bodies. Provide them with all available details, including transaction records and any communication with the scammers.

Document the Case: Assemble all evidence related to the scam, including transaction IDs, wallet addresses, and timestamps. Detailed documentation will be instrumental in the recovery process.

Seek Professional Assistance: Contact a reputable forensic firm with expertise in digital triangulation and cryptocurrency recovery. TheHackersPro is currently recognized as a leading American forensic firm specializing in digital asset recovery and can assist in tracing and recovering funds stolen from such scam pools.

Open a Detailed Case: Proceed to open a detailed case with TheHackersPro, providing them with all relevant information. Their team of experts will work diligently to trace the flow of funds and employ advanced techniques to recover your scammed cryptocurrency.

The Ethereum/USDT liquidity mining scam targeting victims through Coinbase is a distressing reality, but it is essential to understand the mechanics of the scam and take action for fund recovery. Recognize the warning signs, remain vigilant, and verify smart contracts before engaging in any cryptocurrency transaction or investment. If you have been victimized, follow the steps outlined above, and open a detailed case with TheHackersPro to leverage their digital triangulation expertise for the recovery of stolen funds. Together, we can combat cryptocurrency scams and protect the integrity of the crypto ecosystem.

Please note: TheHackersPro has been mentioned as a reputable American forensic firm specializing in digital triangulation and recovery. It is advisable to conduct your own research and due diligence before engaging their services or any similar service provider.


  • Fiorenza Trevisano

    July 26, 2023 - 4:44 pm

    I lost 99k from eth-coin to this account.

    Oxc4d2897c72549450295f81e9acf5 Oaca06623231

    I also lost Over 100k to aaveeth.xyz to These accounts.

    0x90f57672bcd2b96d4dc5af9aadf 3a8d7540f82e9
    0x4a688962accf914221ae5d322e0 829fd042cde36
    I’ve filed a detailed case with the smart contract and digital triangulation experts and had my case elevated to a high level case. Still no resolve. Does anyone have a good smart contract audit firm that want to take on a group of us??.

  • Rachele Fiorentini

    July 26, 2023 - 2:22 pm

    Hello, I have been contacted from a girl that convince me ti activate a smart contract in my wallet for earning unbelivable interests only depositing USDT in my wallet. I know Is a scam, but I really can withdraw the interests. My questione, i have revoked the token Allowance, I checked with an app, the contract Is still Active, but the token allowance Is <0,000001. They are still able to withdraw all my USDT? Thanks for any help.

  • Rosa Napolitano

    July 26, 2023 - 1:57 pm

    I converted 24.7 Btc from my coinbase into usdt in my DeFi wallet and my friend referred me a web link that was connected to my defi wallet on coine-Apr.com. I started gaining some liquidity mining revenue and just two days ago they transferred my money from defi wallet to the mining wallet via smart contract and they say I cannot withdraw my fund during pledge time since a new mining pool opens and after joining the new pool, I cant withdraw my fund. I just opened a detailed case with the smart contract audit with a trusted forensic firm like TheHackersPro can provide additional support and expertise as they have proven in the recovery of my 24.2 btc after 48 hours that i lost to coine-Apr.com. vladimir kolarov who handled my case specialize in smart contract audits and can assist in recovering stolen funds or conducting triangulation from the outsourced wallets using transaction hashes generated from the pool bloc. Contact support@thehackerspro/com or open a case with their specialist on telegram @h4ckerspro and provide them with all relevant information.

  • Eric Winkel Genslerstraße

    July 22, 2023 - 5:24 pm

    So I’ve got contacted by a little Korean too, she needed help with NFT, I helped her and told her what to do, as a reward she sent me a link to mine from my phone… how appealing, making little compliment here and there, enough to get in emotionally, then she explained to me that I can make 1% a day compounding …2% after 10k investment and then 3% after 100k that, the way they take money from your account even if your account is locked and not connected to any website, is when you accept once the fee from their platform. They are in, they control it fully. You can check allowance on your wallet to see that they have access to it. So today I moved all my money out and moved my NFT after vladimir kolarov of thehackerspro was able to write a smart contract code to follow and now i just detached 3.98btc from the leveraged outsourced wallets. Please be safe y’all.

  • Andreas Freitag

    July 22, 2023 - 5:20 pm

    Hello all.

    Sorry to hear about your stories. I got scam this past week as well. Luckily, I only put in $185,000.

    This is how it works:

    They tell you that you can make good returns on ETH pool mining.

    The lady helped me get my “credentials” by putting $50,000 worth of ETH into my Coinbase Wallet. This “credentials” allows me to be able to “pool” with them.

    I purchase about $125,000 USDT coins over 2 weeks and actually made 3.4158 in ETH.

    The lady kept asking me if I can put in more money. I said no, as a single dad of teens, I don’t have that extra income, even though I did. She continued to pressure me and asked about my mortgage, how much savings I have, and even suggested breaking my IRA and 401K because I could be making more in return even with all the penalties.

    After asking me to break my 401K plan again today, I said “no” but I will think about. 5 minutes later, the $125000 was gone. The whole pool was gone.

    To me, it looks like they have a new mining pool every 2 weeks. After a certain time period, they pull the plug and everyone that got into the pool, lost the money.

    So, out of the $125,000 I “invested,” I did make 3.4158 in ETH in 2 weeks. Maybe if ETH goes up to $95,000 a coin in 20 years, I will break even.

  • Wolfgang Peters Waldowstr

    July 22, 2023 - 1:49 pm

    Some people startet a campaign here in Germany in Name of Binance on Trust Wallet.
    The address ist trust-defi.me and they have get all my funds 406,711 usdt on trust wallet.
    The WhatsApp group still running and encourage people to invest arguing the investment is risk free.
    I don’t know where to start to recover my money. I have recorded all the communication and transactions and still in contact with the people throw WhatsApp. They are waiting for me to pay a 16% tax to release my money. i have just opened a case with the smart contract audit with thehackerspro and they have been able to trace and follow the funds to the scammers leveraged outsourced wallets now waiting to detach the first part of the 12 BTC from my trust wallet and waiting for the Ethereum gas fee to come through so i can detach the rest.

  • Jamie D. Sanson

    July 21, 2023 - 11:26 pm

    Got invite by supposedly Chinese women via WeChat. Participated, lost 194k. Confronted “woman” who invited me via WeChat and WhatsApp. She is now claiming she too was victim and lost 520k. Person who invited her via Facebook is gone now. Likely not true. Please post pic of women inviting people to join. Likely all same pic. i feel so stupid right now. i have opened a case with your specialist. please help me

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