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strategies, risks and market impact

Leveraged crypto trading in 202303 1

Leveraged crypto trading in 202303 1

In the electrifying world of cryptocurrencies, leveraged trading is the high-voltage gear that supercharges potential profits. However, as with any power tool, it demands respect and a firm hand on the controls. This article is your guide to understanding the intricacies of leveraged trading in the crypto market, the strategies you can employ, the risks you’ll face, and the impact this form of trading has on the broader market.

At its core, leveraged trading is a method that allows traders to multiply their exposure to a financial market without committing the full capital required to open a trade. 

Think of leveraged trading as a form of financial loan. A trader borrows capital to increase their trading position, thus multiplying their potential profits. For example, with a leverage ratio 10:1, a trader can open a position worth $10,000 with just $1,000 of their own capital.

But remember, while leverage can supercharge your profits if you win, it can also turbocharge your losses if you’re wrong. The higher the leverage, the higher the risk. So yes, leverage can lead to big wins but also huge losses, especially in fast-moving markets like crypto.

Leveraged trading also involves borrowing costs. The borrowed capital isn’t free – it comes with interest. Therefore, if a leveraged position is kept open for long, the interest costs can accumulate and eat into potential profits.

Types of leveraged trading

Leveraged trading can be divided into two main types: margin trading and futures trading.

Margin trading

At its heart, margin trading is the financial equivalent of a turbocharged sports car – it can speed up potential gains, but if not handled correctly, it could lead to significant losses.

In margin trading, you borrow capital to amplify your trading position. The borrowed capital is secured by your own funds, which serve as collateral, termed the “margin.” The leverage in margin trading arises from the ratio of borrowed funds to your own capital.

For instance, if you have $1,000 and choose a leverage ratio of 5:1, you can borrow an additional $5,000, giving you a total of $6,000 to open a position. If the asset you purchased increases in value by 20%, your potential profit would be $1,200 (20% of $6,000), compared to $200 (20% of $1,000) without leverage. That’s six times the profit!

However, the blade of leverage cuts both ways. If the asset’s price drops by 20%, instead of a $200 loss without leverage, you’re looking at a $1,200 loss with leverage. And remember, you borrowed $5,000, which you still have to repay.

Therefore, while margin trading can amplify profits, it can also lead to losses exceeding your initial investment. In extreme cases, if the market moves against you rapidly, you might face a margin call, where the broker demands you increase your margin to maintain your position.

Futures trading

Futures trading takes a different approach. Here, you’re dealing with contracts – agreements to buy or sell a particular asset at a predetermined price at a specific date in the future. The key here is that you’re not borrowing capital; instead, you’re speculating on the future price of an asset.

Futures contracts are standardized and traded on a futures exchange. The leverage in futures trading comes from the fact that you only need to deposit a fraction of the contract’s value, known as the “initial margin,” to open a position.

Let’s say you enter a futures contract to buy one bitcoin (BTC) at $50,000 in a month. The current price of BTC is $45,000. If the price of BTC at the contract’s expiration is $55,000, you profit $5,000 (since you’re buying at $50,000 instead of the market price of $55,000).

However, if the price drops to $40,000, you still have to buy BTC at $50,000 as per the contract, leading to a $10,000 loss.

What’s fascinating about futures trading is that you can profit from both rising and falling markets. If you believe the price of a cryptocurrency will fall, you can sell a futures contract (also known as going short), potentially making a profit if the price drops.

In conclusion, while both margin trading and futures trading offer opportunities to amplify profits through leverage, they also come with significant risks. Careful risk management strategies are crucial to navigating these risky waters effectively.

In the next section, we’ll venture into the labyrinth of regulatory scenarios that govern the world of leveraged crypto trading. We’ll explore how different jurisdictions tackle this complex issue, the laws in place, and the limits imposed on traders.

The regulatory maze

Just as a ship needs a lighthouse to navigate the treacherous seas, the world of leveraged crypto trading requires regulatory guidelines to ensure fair practices and protect investors.

However, the landscape of crypto regulation is as diverse and complex as the cryptocurrencies themselves, varying significantly from one jurisdiction to another.

In countries with a laissez-faire approach, like Switzerland or Malta, crypto businesses thrive due to their favorable and flexible regulatory environments. In contrast, countries like China have imposed strict regulations, sometimes even outright bans, on crypto-related activities.

Margin crypto trading in the US and Canada

In the US, the regulatory scene for leveraged crypto trading is a blend of federal and state laws. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) considers bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies commodities and regulates futures contracts under its jurisdiction.

However, for spot markets and margin trading, the scenario gets murkier. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) can both claim jurisdiction, depending on the specific circumstances.

To add to this, each state in the US can also impose its own regulations, leading to a patchwork quilt of rules and guidelines that crypto businesses and traders must navigate.

Meanwhile, in December 2022, Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) banned margin trading amid the FTX collapse

Margin trading in the European Union 

In contrast, the European Union (EU) offers a more harmonized approach. Under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), crypto assets may fall under the jurisdiction of national authorities if they qualify as “financial instruments.”

Moreover, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has proposed a bespoke regime for crypto-assets, which, if adopted, would create a unified set of rules across the EU. However, this is still a work in progress as of 2023.

The EU’s stance in 2018 was much harsher as it wanted to put an outright ban on leveraged trading, citing investments risks.

The Asian spectrum

In Asia, the regulatory landscape varies widely. Japan, for instance, has a well-defined regulatory framework under the Financial Services Agency (FSA). 

In contrast, India’s regulatory approach towards crypto has been fluctuating, with an initial ban being overturned by the Supreme Court and new regulations being proposed.

China, on the other hand, has taken a hard line, banning crypto exchanges and initial coin offerings (ICOs). However, despite these restrictions, the country is at the forefront of blockchain technology development and has launched the pilot of its own digital currency in 2022.

It’s clear that the regulatory landscape for leveraged crypto trading is complex and ever-evolving. As a trader, it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest regulations in your jurisdiction and to ensure your trading activities are compliant.

Coming up in the next section, we delve into the strategic realm of leveraged trading. We’ll discuss various strategies, complete with calculations, to help you make the most of your leveraged trading endeavors.

How to trade crypto with leverage: things to consider

Leverage trading in the crypto world is not for the faint of heart. It’s akin to walking a tightrope, where one wrong move could lead to substantial losses. However, with careful planning and strategic moves, you can mitigate some of the risks associated with leverage. Here are some strategies to consider:

Position sizing

The first rule of leveraged trading is never to risk more than you can afford to lose. Position sizing involves determining the amount of your total capital that you’re willing to risk on each trade. 

For instance, if you have a total capital of $10,000 and you’re willing to risk 2% of your capital on each trade, your position size would be $200. This strategy helps to preserve your capital and ensures that you live to trade another day, even if a trade goes against you.

Stop-loss and take-profit orders

Stop-loss and take-profit orders are your lifelines in leveraged trading. A stop-loss order is a predetermined price level at which you will close your position to prevent further losses if the market moves against you. 

On the other hand, a take-profit order is a predetermined price level at which you will close your position to secure your profits when the market moves in your favor.

Risk-reward ratio

The risk-reward ratio measures the potential risk and potential reward in a trade. For instance, if your stop-loss order is set $10 below your entry price and your take-profit order is set $30 above your entry price, your risk-reward ratio is 1:3. This means that for every dollar you risk, you aim to make three dollars in profit.


Diversification involves spreading your investments across different assets to reduce risk. In leveraged trading, this could mean opening positions in different cryptocurrencies or using different leverage ratios for different trades.

Let’s consider a practical example: Suppose you have a capital of $1,000 and decide to trade bitcoin using a leverage ratio of 10:1. This means you’re trading with $10,000 worth of BTC.

You set a stop-loss order at 5% below your entry price and a take-profit order at 15% above your entry price. This gives you a risk-reward ratio of 1:3.

If the market moves in your favor and hits your take-profit order, your profit would be 15% of $10,000, which is $1,500. Deducting your initial capital of $1,000, you’ve made a net profit of $500 – a 50% return on your capital!

However, if the market moves against you and hits your stop-loss order, your loss would be 5% of $10,000, which is $500. This is a 50% loss on your capital, demonstrating the double-edged nature of leverage.

In the upcoming section, we’ll look at how leveraged trading impacts the broader crypto market. We’ll explore its effects on price action, demand and supply, and volatility.

The impact of leverage on the crypto market

Price action

Leveraged trading can have a significant impact on the price action of cryptocurrencies. When leveraged traders place large buy orders, they can drive up the price, leading to bullish price action. Conversely, large sell orders from leveraged traders can trigger bearish price action.

This price action can be further amplified by “liquidation events.” In a leveraged trade, if the market moves against a trader such that they can no longer meet their margin requirements, their position is automatically closed or “liquidated.” This can lead to a cascade of liquidations if prices reach certain levels, leading to sharp price movements.

For instance, let’s say a large number of traders have used high leverage to bet that bitcoin’s price will rise. If the price starts falling, some traders will hit their liquidation price, the point at which they can no longer cover their margin. 

These liquidations then add more selling pressure, which could lead to further price falls and more liquidations – a domino effect known as a long squeeze.” The reverse can happen if many traders bet on falling prices and the price rises, leading to a ‘short squeeze.’


Leverage can also increase market volatility. High leverage levels can lead to larger price swings, as traders with leveraged positions may react more dramatically to market news or events.

For instance, let’s say there’s news of regulatory changes that might impact the crypto market. Traders with leveraged positions, aware of the potential losses they could face if the market moves against them, might quickly close their positions, leading to a surge in trading activity and increased volatility.


Leveraged trading can impact market liquidity. Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold in the market without affecting its price. When traders use leverage to open larger positions, they increase the demand for the cryptocurrency, potentially improving liquidity. 

However, in smaller, less liquid markets, large leveraged positions could move the market price, creating what’s known as “slippage,” where traders can’t get the price they want for their trades.

Market sentiment

Lastly, the level of leverage in the market can influence market sentiment. High levels of leverage can be seen as a sign of confidence, suggesting that many traders expect prices to rise. However, it could also be interpreted as a sign of overconfidence or speculation, which might signal an overheated market.

Conversely, low levels of leverage might indicate caution or bearish sentiment among traders but could also be seen as a positive sign, suggesting a more sustainable, less speculative market.

Moving to the final part, we’ll review some leading platforms offering leveraged trading in the crypto market.

Best platforms for leveraged crypto trading

Choosing the best platform for leveraged trading can make all the difference in your crypto trading experience. Here is a comparison of some of the top platforms in the crypto leverage trading landscape.

Platform Jurisdiction Leverage options Fee structure
Bybit Global (excluding the US and some others, exact countries not specified) Up to 10x 0.1% in the spot market
Binance Global (excluding the US for margin trading) Up to 125x for derivatives trading 0.1%, option to pay with BNB for a 25% discount
Kraken Global (including the US, except for a few states) Up to 5x Variable can be referred to on their website
KuCoin Global (exact countries not specified) Up to 100x  Changes frequently, can be referred to on their website
BitMEX Global (excluding the US) Up to 100x  Taker fee: 0.075%, Maker fee: 0.02%

As a trader, it’s important to consider factors beyond just the raw numbers. These include the platform’s user interface, customer service, security measures, and more. Always do your due diligence before deciding on the platform that’s right for you.

And that wraps up our exploration of leveraged trading in the crypto world. We’ve looked at what leverage is, how it works, the strategies involved, the risks, its impact on the market, and the platforms that enable it. 

We hope this gives you a solid foundation and sparks further exploration in your crypto journey. As always, remember that while the crypto market offers significant opportunities, it also comes with its fair share of risks. Trade wisely, and happy investing!

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.

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