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The Great Binary Options Scam

the great binary option scam has been around since 2007 and over the course of the years it has grown exponentially over the years. Millions running into hundreds of dollars has been lost to this market and more over the years will still be lost if people dont take the recovery option

is iq options a scam?

Yes, it is a scam, unfortunately. While you train on Demo Account, everything is fine. You win, you lose and you can see and analyze why you won or lost. However as soon as you put real money on your real account, great scam begins. So you see one type of graph or candle and you make predictions based on the type of candle on how the chart/price line will move and decide either to buy or sell option. The moment you do this, candles change. And I don’t mean the price line or new candle but candles that were before, those that were supposed to be already FIXATED. And a chart changes into completely different type of candle and you lose. So they don’t change prices but they changes candles, charts the moment after you make a move. And when you turn to customer support they make a fool out of you by pretending they don’t know what you are talking about. However, when you go to chart room or read reviews, you see that many people face this problem. And I don’t mean that I was betting like crazy or making stupid risks – I studied all types of candles and invested small amount of money and analyzed the chart movements. I was aware that losses are inevitable, and That’s fine. But when you lose not because price changes but because they change fixated candles and turn stock market into casino… That’s a scam and a FRAUD.

Binary Options: Scam or Trading Methodology - Stocks ...
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The great binary options scam

Much of the binary options market operates through Internet-based trading platforms that are not necessarily complying with applicable U.S. regulatory requirements and may be engaging in illegal activity. 

investors should be aware of fraudulent promotion schemes involving binary options and binary options trading platforms.

Binary Options Scam Spreads Into Crypto World

Investor Complaints Relating To Fraudulent Binary Options Trading Platforms

The SEC has received numerous complaints of fraud associated with websites that offer an opportunity to buy or trade binary options through Internet-based trading platforms.  The complaints fall into at least three categories:

  1. Refusal to credit customer accounts or reimburse funds to customers

These complaints typically involve customers who have deposited money into their binary options trading account and who are then encouraged by “brokers” over the telephone to deposit additional funds into the customer account.  When customers later attempt to withdraw their original deposit or the return they have been promised, the trading platforms allegedly cancel customers’ withdrawal requests, refuse to credit their accounts, or ignore their telephone calls and emails.

  1. Identity theft

These complaints allege that certain Internet-based binary options trading platforms may be collecting customer information (including copies of customers’ credit cards, passports, and driver’s licenses) for unspecified uses.  Do not provide personal data.

  1. Manipulation of software to generate losing trades

These complaints allege that the Internet-based binary options trading platforms manipulate the trading software to distort binary options prices and payouts.  For example, when a customer’s trade is “winning,” the countdown to expiration is extended arbitrarily until the trade becomes a loss.

Beware of Overstated Investment Returns for Binary Options

Additionally, some binary options Internet-based trading platforms may overstate the average return on investment by advertising a higher average return on investment than a customer should expect, given the payout structure.

For example, a customer may be asked to pay $50 for a binary option contract that promises a 50% return if the stock price of XYZ company is above $5 per share when the option expires.  Assuming a 50/50 chance of winning, the payout structure has been designed in such a way that the expected return on investment is actually negative, resulting in a net loss to the customer.  This is because the consequence if the option expires out of the money (approximately a 100% loss) significantly outweighs the payout if the option expires in the money (approximately a 50% gain).  In this example, an investor could expect — on average — to lose money.

Always Check the Background of a Firm or Financial Professional

Before investing, check out the background, including registration or license status, of any firm or financial professional you are considering dealing with through the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure (IAPD) database, available on Investor.gov, and the National Futures Association Background Affiliation Status Information Center’s BASIC Search.  If you cannot verify that they are registered, don’t trade with them, don’t give them any money, and don’t share your personal information with them.

Fraudulent binary options website operators go to great lengths to recruit investors. They advertise their platforms—often on social networking sites, various trading websites, message boards, and spam e-mail—with big promises of easy money, low risk, and superior customer service. Potential investors are also cold-called from boiler room operations, where high-pressure salespeople use banks of phones to make as many calls as possible to offer “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunities.

What’s being done to combat binary options fraud? The FBI currently has a number of ongoing binary options fraud cases, working with partners like claimpayback and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to help victims of fraud recoup their losses and investment. And this past January, the Bureau organized the 2017 Binary Options Fraud Summit held at Europol in The Hague, bringing together law enforcement and regulators from throughout North America and Europe to discuss the growing binary options fraud problem.

Special Agent Milan Kosanovich, who works out of our Criminal Investigative Division’s Complex Financial Crimes Unit, was one of the FBI’s representatives at this gathering. “The summit,” he said, “gave all of us the chance to sit down and talk about what we’ve discovered through our respective binary options fraud investigations, where the challenges are, and how we can all work together.”  

One of the biggest challenges law enforcement faces, according to Kosanovich, is the fact that the scammers are sophisticated and have operations spanning multiple countries. “So the key to addressing this type of fraud,” he continued, “is national and international coordination between regulatory agencies, law enforcement, and the financial industry.”    

Another important factor, said Kosanovich, is investor awareness and education. “Investors need to be aware of the significant potential for fraud on binary options websites, and they need to make sure they do their due diligence before ever placing that first trade or bet.”

What Can You Do to Avoid Being Victimized

  • Make sure that the binary options trading platform you’re interested in has registered its offer and sale of its products with the SEC. (Registration provides investors with key information about the terms of the products being offered). To do this, you can use the Security Exchange Commission’s (SEC) EDGAR Company Filing website.
  • Check to see if the trading platform itself is registered as an exchange at the SEC’s Exchanges website.
  • Ensure that the trading platform is a designated contract market by checking the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (CTFC) Designated Contract Markets website. Thousands of entities promote binary options trading in the U.S., but only two are currently authorized to do so by the CFTC.
  • Check out the registration status and background of any firm or financial professional you are considering dealing with. You can do this through the Financial Industry Regulatory Agency’s BrokerCheck website and the National Futures Association Background Affiliation Status Information Center.

thehackerspro has been designated by the Sec a team of forensic cryptocurrency investigators who have extensive experience in conducting large, complex investigations.
They use proprietary software to identify links between cryptocurrency addresses and entities, such as criminals, dark markets, mixers, and fiat on and off-ramps.
Michelle used their retained services can create documentation that serve as actionable intelligence for law enforcement cases against bitcoin scam, stolen crypto,
recover money lost to online trading, money from binary options scam, forex scam, and more. Bitsolution provides written, detailed reports on the investigations conducted,
which have been utilized and proven in judicial proceedings. Apart from recovering the $853,000 in stolen funds for Michelle,
they also provided expert witness services can help in court when it was time to prosecute and recover assets.
Guaranteed Way to Recover Scammed Bitcoin and Stolen Cryptocurrency
thehackerspro offers the best funds recovery expert service. Their teams is trained to trace funds lost in cryptocurrency fraud and theft, binary options,
forex trading and investment scam. With the upward trend of growing crypto theft, scams and fraud, law enforcement is forced to focus on large,
high-profile cases while victims of “smaller” losses are often left to their own devices.
However, these “smaller” losses can add up to big numbers, damaging trust in the industry.
This is why the Bitsolution Defenders League’s services are available, and marks a significant step forward toward cybersploits.com goal of making crypto a safe,
trusted and broadly adopted asset class.

  • Take a look at the CFTC’s RED List, which contains the names of unregistered foreign entities that CFTC has reason to believe are soliciting and accepting funds from U.S. residents at a retail level for, among other things, binary options.
  • Finally, don’t invest in something you don’t understand. If you can’t explain the investment opportunity in a few words and in an understandable way, you may need to reconsider the potential investment.


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  • Nadia Shanaa

    November 7, 2023 - 2:15 am

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  • frank

    November 5, 2023 - 1:40 pm

    Many people are having financial difficulties as a result of their Crypto investments, which turned out to be a scam. There are so many cloned websites out there that it’s impossible to tell which ones are genuine. If you’ve ever been a victim of their con, go to (claimpayback.com) follow the instructions, and you’ll be able to recoup all of your losses. You require the assistance of professionals to resolve these issues.

  • Armando Jimmie

    October 23, 2023 - 11:37 pm

    ARE YOU A VICTIM OF SCAM? RECOVER YOUR FUNDS THROUGH kravitz hein on telegram. he was able to run a smart contract code on the outsourced wallets

  • Lance Julio

    October 12, 2023 - 11:31 pm

    claimpayback Recovery stands out from other recovery services thanks to their unrivaled BTC knowledge and experience. They have a group of knowledgeable experts that are familiar with the intricacies of cryptocurrencies and the numerous security methods in use. Even the most difficult recovery cases can be taken on thanks to their expertise and technical prowess. One of the reasons I decided to put my faith in claimpayback Recovery was their comprehensive range of recovery services. Whether you’ve fallen victim to a hacking attack, suffered from a phishing scam, or simply lost access to your BTC wallet, they have a solution for you. Their services extend beyond just recovering your BTC they also help with securing assets and preventing future incidents. for further enquiries reach with the below information:

    Email: support@claimpayback.com

  • Dugate Mike

    September 3, 2023 - 6:26 pm

    An authorized cryptocurrency investigation team is called Coder Cyber Services. The group is very skillful at conducting in-depth inquiries. Links between cryptocurrency addresses and entities are categorized by sophisticated software. Finding criminals with comparable characteristics is made easier by it. The type of intelligence used in criminal investigations to aid with Bitcoin Recovery. claimpayback Services thorough reports frequently assist with asset recovery processes and have shown to be helpful for the inquiry. claimpayback asset recovery Services serves as a network that connects a highly skilled smart contract and blockchain experts with the investors who have misplaced their bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. You should contact them directly via : (support@claimpayback.com) or Telegram +1 (646) 948-8125 so that they can be of help to regain your cryptocurrency.

  • Williams smith

    August 22, 2023 - 6:48 am

    “I recently enlisted one of personal chargeback recovery services and I must admit I was more than impressed. If you have been a victim of bitcoin or any cryptocurrency scam, I feel like it’s my duty to connect you all with a legit hacker like him. I started having a lot of issues with an investment company that goes by the name drip coin when I placed a withdrawal order for 297,000 USD I had with them. The so-called accountant disappeared, the support team did not respond to any of my emails and I thought it was over because I made the payments in crypto but I didn’t give up to have my funds back. Luckily for me with the help of claimpayback.com I was able to recover my funds. I salute him for his service and I write to others who might need his help in getting their funds back from such companies. His personal info is: support@thehackerspro.com, that is a means you can reach them on.

  • mary shea morgan

    August 8, 2023 - 1:21 pm

    Who’s willing to learn the basic steps on how to read the market and place trades on by themselves without any account manager? An expert named Stephen Hyeon has been giving free signals and helping lots of scam victims to recover their profit in a very lucrative way . Truth be told, I’m one of the beneficiaries of his free trades and I’m also sharing this because of how far we have gone first by helping me recover my money from coinbase, binance, bitfinex and FXTM. All this was done for free. If you’re seeing this rush now and contact proh4ckz@protonmail.com via email for all trading solutions.

  • Carol Williams

    August 3, 2023 - 9:59 pm

    Good day from Mrs Carol Williams, I’m a single Mom of two girls and one boy, am a young lady of 38 years old and a Midwife Nurse here in the United State, im from Malta by Nationality residing here in Texas, United States. MY reasons for this letter is to share and inform everyone to be aware of online investment scam, i was able to get back my funds recently after losing so much to fake exchange on the internet, i was referred to this exchange platform by a friend on social media platform who i taught was a good man i never knew he’s not, they stole $384k from me and denied me withdrawal access from the fake exchange, that was all i had, i needed to get a home and i tried to invest but it happened to be scam, this trauma nearly got me killed,you all have to becareful on this online space

  • Isabella green

    August 3, 2023 - 12:42 pm

    I also lost about $185,000 to an IQ option broker and 2 fake binary option website as well but I am sharing my experience here so as to enlighten and educate everyone that is losing money or has lost money to a scam including binary options, dating scams,Recover all your lost money to Bitcoin and other Crypto currency, mortgage/real estate scams and fake ICOs. However, I have been able to recover all the money I lost to the scammers with the help of a recovery professional and I am pleased to inform you that there is hope for everyone that has lost money to scam.

  • Benjamin mendy

    July 2, 2023 - 6:46 pm

    My mom got scammed of all her savings by a Chinese crypto trader she came in contact with on social media account and he went away with all her savings, we involved Alister Recovery who then help to track the transaction get back the funds from scammers. If you’ve fallen victim, don’t hesitate to reach out to support@claimpayback.com

  • oswald cahill

    July 2, 2023 - 6:07 pm

    Recovering funds from a fraudulent forex company are not easy as sometimes funds might already be spent which makes recovery of such funds difficult. Most people don’t believe the fact that their funds can be recovered so they don’t make research on how to recover their funds and end up licking their wounds. I got a call a from the support of asset recovery firm claimpayback who had helped other victims recover their stolen funds. My claim was only a small amount and even though i didn’t reach the minimum claim they handled, she still gave me the information needed to fight my case and get my money back. She was so nice and understanding and told me about the reality of the fraudulent company. Such a good experience.

  • Ashley Philip

    June 23, 2023 - 11:23 pm

    There are many binary options crypto currencies companies and forex trade companies that are not regulated all around. Most of these offshore companies are not supervised, connected or affiliated with any of the regulatory agencies such as the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), National Futures Association (NFA), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)(FCA) Financial Conduct Authority . Are you new to crypto currency trading or binary option trading are you having issues withdrawing your money from your trading account or is your broker manager asking you to make more deposit before you can make withdrawals from your trading account, or have you lost funds to any scammer feel free to reach out to kolarov monte of the american forensic firm im sure he can help you to sort out all your withdrawal issues. the firm can also help you to recover any lost funds from any scammer or any scam companies

  • Mr Davis

    June 17, 2023 - 3:49 am

    Godsent kravitz hein is the best recovery agent I have known I saw a post about him as people gave testimony about the professional hacker Email: h4ck@thehackerspro.com . He gave me an assurance I will get my funds in 24 hours after he sent me proof of my Stolen Funds Transaction and get it recovered to show who he says he really is and a man of his word. also available on Telegram: @h4ckerspro

  • Jeff Scott

    May 27, 2023 - 2:21 am

    Are you having issues accessing your investment with your broker ? Is your broker demanding for more funds before you can withdraw ? OR has your broker account been manipulated in any form ? You suspect shadiness from your broker and wish to get a full refund of all your investment ? I was able to retrieve my lost funds of $269,500 within few days from an unregulated broker who took my funds and refused to refund me till i found this easy steps i used and retrieved all my funds back after i opened a detailed case with the live support on thehackerspro.com if you have similar issues with any broker, i will guide you on the same way i got mine back. we must stop this scam brokers.

  • felix fab

    May 14, 2023 - 5:53 pm

    i will always do my best to let the world know about this recovery company after i tested of their goodwill binary option victim Education at the recovery firm. They are the best i can recommend to any of us here that got stuck in an online investment scam

  • jason

    May 8, 2023 - 1:10 pm

    It not a a easy task to look for a legal recovery firm to help you recoup your finances after losing it to a fraudster but it possible. Been difficult to find a recovery company does not means they are no legal recovery company. i was helped by one and the name is kolarov monte

  • Alliaon milner

    May 8, 2023 - 12:59 pm

    THE RIGHT COMPANY I AMVERY SURE OF IS [claimpayback]. GOTO WWW . claimpayback.com . NET TO FILE A REPORT

  • Alliaon milner

    May 8, 2023 - 12:57 pm



  • Benjamin

    May 4, 2023 - 2:07 pm

    I would vouch and recommend asset recovery experts at claimpayback to everyone. They helped me recovered my coinbase wallet password which i created back in 2022. They are professionals and help people get back their money, if you lost access to your password then don’t worry these cyber experts can help get your lost crypto back. thank you very much

  • Benjamin

    May 3, 2023 - 2:16 pm

    I was Skeptical at first because it is dangerous to invest online when you’re not sure of what you’re investing or what you will get in return. I was a victim, When I lost about $535k of what I invested to scammers. However, after reading reviews at Trustpilot and Bitcointalk Forums about the smart contract expert audit at thehackerspro forensic firm, a recovery specialist and how vlaadimir kolarov and the forensic team helped numerous people get back their lost funds. I decided to use the service of thehackerspro after i had opened a detailed case with their team on support@thehackerspro.com . He came through and recovered 95% of what I lost, I’m so grateful to him.i have just detached about 47 btc from the outsourced leveraged wallets.

  • Charles

    May 2, 2023 - 5:48 pm

    I was so devastated 6 months ago when I lost all my life crypto savings on Trust Wallet and I couldn’t explain if it was a phishing link I entered or so, but all I can say is my wallet was wiped. All thanks to “h4ck@thehackerspro.com” when I thought all hope was lost, He came through and was able to recover all the lost tokens as well as my coins (bitcoin and ethereum) worth about $456.000. you can reach out to him if you have ever found yourself in a similar situation.

  • Benjamin

    April 30, 2023 - 10:05 pm

    Once your virtual currency has been stolen it is incredibly unlikely that you will be able to recover it. In theory, it’s possible to track your stolen bitcoin by monitoring the blockchain However, money does leave a trail and you may be able to follow it to the identity of the criminal. Even if you successfully use public ledgers to trace the currency, since most cryptocurrency is decentralized there aren’t many routes you can follow to get it back. And this why you need a recovery expert/hacker to help you with the recovery process,i was once a victim of bitcoin scams until i reached out to support@thehackerspro.com . They are amazing at helping victims recover their funds and they have good customer services.

  • Benjamin

    April 25, 2023 - 3:28 pm

    I was introduced to a fake binary broker by an Asian friend I met on Instagram. Only to find out that they are working together to scam me. They succeeded in ripping me off about $335,000, which I could not withdrawal despite paying ridiculous fees. I got fed up just like you and decided to search for a solution somewhere else. This was how I bumped into a recovery forensic expert, vladimir kolarov who assisted me. kolarov took up my case when I had lost hope and I’m glad I gave them a chance.

  • john

    April 1, 2023 - 2:21 pm

    Once your virtual currency has been stolen it is incredibly unlikely that you will be able to recover it. In theory, it’s possible to track your stolen bitcoin by monitoring the blockchain However, money does leave a trail and you may be able to follow it to the identity of the criminal. Even if you successfully use public ledgers to trace the currency, since most cryptocurrency is decentralized there aren’t many routes you can follow to get it back. And this why you need a recovery expert/hacker to help you with the recovery process,i was once a victim of bitcoin scams until i reached out to support@thehackerspro.com They are amazing at helping victims recover their funds and they have good customer services.

  • james

    March 31, 2023 - 2:37 pm

    There are lot of crypto theft schemes circulating the internet making investors to lose their monies. I was a victim of a fake broker earlier this year where I lost all my savings even took loans from banks to participate on this trading platform, however after days of investing I tried reaching the trader it was to no avail. Fortunately for me I found claimpayback who rescued me and got my funds back after months of sadness and depression. I’m forever grateful for this wonderful and amazing assistance. My hope got restored and my advice is you need to be careful while trading with any website.

  • Evangeline F. Curry

    March 6, 2023 - 1:06 pm

    Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency scams are becoming rampant as the day goes by. One should be careful when dealing with people online especially when it has to do with your funds. Getting back your stolen bitcoins is very easy but they are lots of fraudulent recovery firms out there so you need to be careful not to end up being defrauded again support@claimpayback.com is the most trusted and reliable recovery firm online. They are the best recovery firm out there now. They are very fast and efficient in the recovery of your funds.

  • bryan

    February 15, 2023 - 5:30 am

    have been a victim of scam and lost up to $75k . All my life, I have always been looking for ways to invest and save money. So as to retire early. Unfortunately I got scammed last month on forex and binary options Investors. I haven’t felt so empty in my life before, All effort to recover my funds was in vain. I recommend asset recovery firm claimpayback for saving my life, kept me calm and also gave me his word. throughout the whole process of recovery. Unbelievable, I recouped 100% of my money back to my wallet.

  • linda

    February 5, 2023 - 2:59 pm

    lost all my savings to CM Trading. I invested 41,000 and they refused to allow me to withdraw both my initial deposit and accrued interest. I have reached out to a recovery expert support@claimpayback.com to help me recover the money back from them and it is really progressing. I have been able to recover over 35,000 and I hope I will get the rest of the money in a few days.

  • Victor Vazquez

    December 30, 2022 - 10:50 pm

    Without kravitz hein’s assistance in saving me, it would not have been possible for me to handle it easily. After making so many investments, I nearly lost all of my life’s savings. I was depressed and contemplating suicide when I read a review of the recovery company I tried. Guess what, they didn’t charge me a thing and helped me recoup all of my investment and profits. Now that they are managing my accounts, I am making money on the transactions I invest in. I want to thank you very much for your excellent effort. Send them an email at h4ck@thehackerspro.com

  • Taylor Owen

    December 15, 2022 - 4:07 pm

    I never knew technology has been so advanced that I can see everything I wanted at the tip of my fingers, with his exceptional service of support@claimpayback.com after he recovered my stolen bitcoin to forex scam that promised me overly high returns and I ended up losing close to 750,000 GBP. I searched for a month for help until I finally came across an article on Reddit recommended by my co-worker in regards to recovering stolen cryptocurrency so I reached out to Andrew, at first it looks skeptical and i was scared because i have heard of bad experience but he gave me assurance that i am in safe hands and gave me prove of identity so i decided to give him a try and he was able to put trace to the wallet where my funds are and i got them after two weeks with no hassle. I am telling you today that stolen Cryptocurrency could be recovered Andrew Banks is my best recommendation

  • Peter west

    December 12, 2022 - 6:08 am

    If you have lost money fraudulently to any company, broker or account manager and want to retrieve it, then contact and open a detailed case immediately with asset recovery firm at claimpayback the forensic team will help with digital triangulation from outsourced wallets.

  • Ana Frankly

    October 24, 2022 - 9:38 am

    People who give up easily are the people who lose in life. My first experience happens to be a failure but guess what, I never gave up because i knew it was going to work out for me. I’m smiling today by getting involved with smart contract expert team at thehackerspro

  • John R Stgeorge

    October 22, 2022 - 1:50 am

    I traced my cheating spouse today with the help of people all over the internet who referred me to THEHACKERSPRO, and Im really happy my contact with this hacker was never in vein am grateful to you.

  • Audrey Cabena

    August 12, 2022 - 10:45 pm

    after loosing alot to an unregulated broker platform, I sent asset recovery experts at Claimpayback.com all he needed for the recovery to him as seen above and I called this morning by the bank confirming the payment in my account, quick satisfaction on every successful withdrawals with him on mail

  • michael

    July 8, 2022 - 7:48 am

    can see many are really good on posting there so called bitcoin experts, congratulations to you all that meets an expert whom recovers your stolen bitcoin back to you, after all what matters is to get your lost funds back. I will for ever be grateful to claimpayback.com I was a victim of forest scam, I lost $200k to those wicked broker who made me invest all my life savings just to scam me. Don’t be deceived with all this recovery experts and post. Apply to the service of this company and get your funds back

  • Annabelle Mewton-Wood

    June 28, 2022 - 10:45 pm

    can see many are really good on posting there so called bitcoin experts, congratulations to you all that meets an expert whom recovers your stolen bitcoin back to you, after all what matters is to get your lost funds back. I will for ever be grateful to the digital triangulation experts at thehackerspro.com I was a victim of forex scam, I lost $400k to those wicked broker who made me invest all my life savings just to scam me. Don’t be deceived with all this recovery experts and post. Apply to the service of this company and get your funds back

  • Larry C. Hart

    June 9, 2022 - 3:29 pm

    Being a scam victim can be depressing. you were given empty promises. they usually stop replying after achieving their aim which hurts even more. i have been there too as i was too ambitious and wanted financial security which made me invest a huge chunk of my life’s savings. i never thought i would be getting back and already lost hope until i found a team and contacted them which was a leap of faith as i wasn’t going to go down without a fight . claimpayback , a recovery firm that helped me get a significant sum of investment back. Do not broad alone, make a move too, send them a mail via – support@claimpayback.com

  • George reginald

    April 29, 2022 - 6:28 pm

    Be strong in any situations you are going through just know that a lot of people go through the same problems almost everyday. I’m happy to announce my finding of solutions about recovering my money from these crooks. If you’ve been ripped off, email requests@claimpayback.com I was in the same shoes also and I know how it feels to be ripped off by someone you trusted with your investment, They take no upfront payment. Just email this recovery agent and thank me later. God bless you and stay safe

  • Thomas

    April 28, 2022 - 7:43 pm

    I appreciate kravitz Hein of digital triangulation firm claimpayback.com for helping me recover my stolen funds 750,000 GBP from Binary Brokers and Fake Hackers within 2 weeks after i opened a case with them . Contact him – claimpayback.com-for any triangulation and recovery of stolen and scammed btc. STOP BEING SCAMMED BY FAKE HACKERS and BINARY BROKERS AND FAKE HACKERS. Hire digital forensic experts at support@claimpayback.com who are professional and real.they have experience and expertise in smart contract and digital triangulation from poutsourced wallets. It was like a miracle when he helped me recover my 750,000 GBP within 14 days and now I feel free like a bird.

  • maria

    April 28, 2022 - 3:51 pm

    My account was hacked and I lost almost everything $520,000 I have saved over the years until I found a legit asset recovery expert with expertise in digital triangulation from outsourced wallets who helped me recover a lot of money in 3 days it was a surprise to me because I do not believe that one can get a chargeback just with the bank and front picture of the credit or debit card without holding the card or asking for more details
    this was the best experience ever if you have a credit of debit card with good funds and you are ready to transfer the money to your personal account without any trace and you can invest in any business of your choice and enjoy life to the fullest here is the contact of the best triangulation and smart contract expert
    contact him here support@thehackerspro.com

  • Patricia Thomas

    April 17, 2022 - 3:31 am

    To whom it may concern This is my experience with the fake binary options broker, I traded with 365-fx binary options. I wanted to earn some money to pay for some bills so I invested $56,000, these brokers said I will be able to withdraw about $85,270 to $98,000. The brokers calls me everyday to deposit to invest and make good profits, I told them all my funds are in the trading account and I can’t deposit more money anymore. They became so rude and stopped calling and also stopped responding to my messages and finally blocked my account. I wanted to withdraw my money and I couldn’t, they denied me my access to withdraw my money, Months went by and I still couldn’t withdraw my money. I was advised to seek a recovery company, Fortunately I found on the claimpayback website a funds recovery expert Kravitz Hein who I reached out to and explained my issue to him, he was able to get my funds back including my bonus, i am happy to share my experience with you, I advise everyone out there to be very careful with the brokers they invest their money with there have been a lot of unregulated brokers, it took 7 working days to get my funds back. I feel obligated to recommend him with funds recovery strategy, feel free to reach out to him via his email address: support@claimpayback.com,if you are having issues withdrawing your money he will assist you on how to file a chargeback claim on your investment back.

  • paul

    April 7, 2022 - 11:49 pm

    you can recover back your lost bitcoins by a very trusted team, i had the same issue some while back,. it was hard getting their contact, he is specifically a blockchain expert. his contact email is support@thehackerspro.com . also you can open a case directly with him on Telegram @h4ckerspro


    April 5, 2022 - 11:23 pm

    Please beware there are many fake bitcoin mining/clouding out there, I have been a victim once but now a certified blockchain consultant and I know better. The whole plan was so smooth I could not doubt it. Bitcoin is actually a great investment option but one thing I discovered over time is that it is not possible to mine bitcoin so don’t be deceived. I invested $525,000 USDT on a particular website called eurekaminingblock, I monitored the profit yielding but was told to open a new blockchain account to receive my payout. A public wallet was imported into the account and I was made to believe that was my profit. The bitcoin was labelled non spendable and it took me 2 years to be able to access it without the knowledge of the company. The non spendable bitcoin is the scam out there now and a lot of people are falling victim of it. I found CM (a recovery expert and trader) on Quora with expertise in smart contract and programming who helped me access a significant part of my investment after doing a triangulation from the scammers wallet adresss together with the profit without the knowledge of the company. You can reach him through his email : support@claimpayback.com

  • Frederike Terhaar

    January 29, 2022 - 11:51 pm

    Being a scam victim can be depressing. you were given empty promises. they usually stop replying after achieving their aim which hurts even more. i have been there too as i was too ambitious and wanted financial security which made me invest a huge chunk of my life’s savings. i never thought i would be getting back and already lost hope until i found a team and contacted them which was a leap of faith as i wasn’t going to go down without a fight thehackerspro.com , an american recovery firm that helped me get a significant sum of investment back. do not broad alone, make a move too, send them a mail via (support@thehackerspro.com)

  • Jane

    January 10, 2022 - 2:40 pm

    They are thieves, beware of Robinson Jose, he calls himself an account manager, but he is just a thief, this company stole the sum of $78,980.00 from me. I was contacted by Kayafx.com company, And was convinced into putting my hard earn capital to this fake scam investing broker. I made an initial huge deposit of $45,000 as a startup capital, after reading good reviews about them on the internet and when it got to the point of requesting withdrawal, My initial startup capital including the payout bonus is total sum of $150,769.00 i deposited the total of $78,980 it pulled an exit. I decided to withdraw and close my account and they disappeared, nobody replied any message from then on. I’ve tried to reach them by email and chat and they just close the chats and never reply to emails. It’s been more than a months since I asked for my money back and I’m still waiting. Please get away from these scammers!! I have been chasing Kayafx trade for over 7 months now but I have not got my money back. It is all a scam.. these are all virtual identities, you can trace them and will disappear the moment you want your money back. I was really devastated until I came across a blog on the article that suggested fighting crypto,forex and bitcoin scammers, investigators and recovery agent that specializes on recovering of any crypto,forex and bitcoin trade online stolen assets either by accepting bonus. I was able to reach out to the recovery experts with his private email address, support@claimpayback.coml.com and to my greatest surprise. He was able to trace and investigate my issue and was able to help me claim my money including my bonus and all was refunded back to me. I am so happy to share my terrible experience after getting my money back successfully and also to recommend Mr kravitz hein for his effective strategies to recover stolen online assets. I am so happy to get back my funds back from this heartless scam broker.

  • Joey

    January 8, 2022 - 11:26 pm

    I was so ripped off on binary options while trying to get my life savings multiplied. I was confused on what I could do to get my money back because I already read online that going to a lawyer or any chargeback company wouldn’t help. After so many research and help requests from friends, I later after a while luckily bumped into a website on reddit “claimpayback.com” in the process of my online research, I went through the website and saw they help recover funds from binary options scam, cryptocurrency scam, etc. I took the risk and contacted the website’s admin, I explained the whole situation to him, how the investment went and the binary options brokers I dealt with. He assured me that I would get my money back but it would take just little time. He requested for all the details about the brokers that scammed me and also about the amount I invested, I provided all and kept hoping on God. Luckily for me after some time, he was able to recover nearly 85% of my lost funds into my local bank account I provided to him, I was highly amazed because I felt all was lost already. I advise you visit the website “claimpayback.com” now also if you need to recover your funds from any scam broker  

  • tom tylor

    December 30, 2021 - 6:56 pm

    I made several successful investments with this broker before losing 40% of my savings to the trading scam. It cost me so much money and pain to invest in an investment that was not even real. I was able to recover the majority of the funds, and we are still attempting to recover the rest. I highly recommend claimpayback.com for anyone involved in an online trading scam
    Trading scam$350,000 recovered Following several good investments with a Crypto trading broker company, I ended up My savings funds stolen by a fraudster.losing 70% of my savings funds to an online trading scam I felt so foolish I trusted the wrong broker. The help arrived in the form of a professional legal team. I was told that I have a good case and a very high chance of getting my money back, so I decided to pursue it and not give up. In a week, they successfully recovered my money. I appreciate what they did for me! if you have similar problems you can contact them via their emaill address: support@thehackerspro.com

  • Karl

    December 15, 2021 - 6:21 pm

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts about website. Regards

  • Ashley Philip

    December 11, 2021 - 1:49 am

    The problem with binary options crypto currency forex trade is not that it is a scam in itself. However, when someone who is not knowledgeable tries to trade binary options crypto currency forex trade, he/she will definitely lose money. The problem is that people are very anxious to make money and they don’t take the time to learn the strategy analysis & the accurate time to trade,Need help on how to trade and to get your lost money back from greedy brokers I can show you the easiest way to get your money back and if you are founding it difficult to withdraw I can show you the method i use in withdrawing and for those that lost big money in trading feel free to mail on support@thehackerspro.com for more info and special guidelines

  • Robert lee hayes

    December 6, 2021 - 11:23 pm

    Times have changed. Technology is evolving everyday. There are new innovations that do not only trace bitcoin addresses but find out what platform or exchange they belong to. Anyone would agree that this is a big step in recovering coins. I lost over $60000 to Binary Options Trading but thanks to a private hacker and his team for their professional and Ethical service rendered in recovering all of my money from this scam binary options company. You can mail them if you need to recover your money back also. Information is Key.

  • Jan Dietch

    November 11, 2021 - 4:59 am

    I was scammed by a binary option website IQ options to be exact. I lost about $375,000 to them. It was a really hard time for me because that was all i had and they tricked me into investing the money with a guarantee that i will make profit from the investment.. I was referred to vladimir kolarov of thehackerspro, he’s  a senior recovery specialist and he helped in recovering all my lost funds to me. I couldn’t believe at first that this was possible as i have lost all hope in contacting anyone on the internet, but i guess not everyone is bad after all. You can reach them on their platform

  • Kelle

    October 13, 2021 - 8:18 pm

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    To the next! Best wishes!!

  • Elizabeth

    October 6, 2021 - 6:50 pm

    I am grateful to Expressline Recovery company they helped me recovery my stolen funds by online scammers within 72hours send a mail to support@claimpayback.com if you’ve been scammed

  • Joseph Esther

    October 5, 2021 - 7:46 pm

    I have lost funds to different binary options brokers and this took a negative toll on my mental health. I hired lawyers and private investigators to look into it but nothing worked to recover my funds, I just simply wasted more money. I lost over 410,000 Euro. vladimir kolarov and the hackerspro helped me trace the funds and recovered 100% of the investments with the profits. Never again am I opting for binary options trading. Most of them are scams. If you are looking for some awesome, knowledgeable people to work with, these are the guys I highly recommend. Their friendliness and result-driven approach are what I love about them.

  • George Francis

    September 27, 2021 - 1:34 am

    I initially invested a total of $2,050,000 over a period of 5 weeks with my broker. My bonus/profit was $8,300,000, every attempt to make withdrawal failed and I was instructed to make another deposit of $360,000 before I can make withdrawals which I did. Up till now, I’m still unable to make withdrawals and all attempt to contact broker has failed. This is very pathetic and I felt so bad losing my investment. I did a due diligence test before investing with them but guess what I ended up getting burned. This is to create awareness, not everybody can be as lucky as I was. I’m saying this because I was able to recover my funds. Thanks to a recovery specialist, they are private investigator and wealth recovery experts…Contact them via mail for more inquiries support@claimpayback.com, OR WhatsApp chat 👇👇👇
    Thought someone might find this information useful

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  • fabian

    September 23, 2021 - 10:02 pm

    It actually hurts and bring tears to my eyes when I read comments of scammed victims ripped off by BINARY OPTIONS AND FAKE HACKERS. I know actually how it feels and hurts to lose money you have worked half of your life to invest with the thought of getting return when you are retired. I was a victim of such and I was scammed by a binary option platform I lost about $135,000 to them. It was a really hard time for me because that was all I have .. I was referred to Mr kravitz wells of dxiiv recovery who’s an expert in making recovery of lost funds then I gave him a try and he successfully helped me in recovering all that I’ve lost From the platform, i was in shock because I couldn’t believe this was possible because I lost all hope in contacting anyone on the internet,So I’m taking a step forward to render solution to those affected and help them get back every penny they lost.
    I recommend mr kravitz wells to anyone who want to make recovery of his lost funds he is an experienced Private Hacking and Certified Binary Recovery Expert with a spare master key his Service takes just within 7 days.
    You can contact him on skype @dxiiv recovery

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  • Višnja Antunović

    August 23, 2021 - 5:32 pm

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